This is a transcript for Bad Blood, the twelfth episode of season 6 of TMNT (2003 series).
The episode begins inside Cody Jones’ penthouse. | |
Leonardo | Hurry up, guys! Master Splinter will make us run laps if we’re late for practice again. |
Leonardo and Donatello run by, but as Cody is following them, a holo-screen projection appears in front of him, along with a blaring horn. It stops Cody and Michelangelo, who is right behind him, stops as well. Darius Dunn appears on the holovid. | |
Darius Dunn | Why, good morning, Cody. How is my favorite nephew doing this fine day? |
Cody Jones | Uh… |
Michelangelo | Chat later, unc, we’re late. |
He pulls Cody away. Behind them, Dunn growls in frustration. The scene shifts to Dunn in his office, seated in front of a huge video screen. | |
Dunn | I’m losing my grip on Cody because of those blasted turtles. |
He pounds both fists into the control panel. He leans his chin in his palm, but a second later lifts his head as a sound from the screen draws his attention. The static gives way to an image. | |
Sh’Okanabo | Greetings, Darius Dunn. |
Dunn | How did you get this frequency? Who are you? |
Sh’Okanabo | Suffice it to say, I am an ally who can grant you the means to eliminate four thorns from your side. [Cut to the interior of his starship. He turns and points.] Behold. |
Behind him are four statis units, each containing a hulking figure. He walks over to the units. Attached to each is an image of the turtles, along with statistical readouts. | |
Sh’Okanabo | Enhanced replicas of your four terrapin guests. My species cloning technology, far beyond that of your own, duplicates subjects physically as well as psychically. These specimens are equipped to dispose of your troublesome reptiles, using their own skills against them. |
There is a sound as the figure in the unit next to Sh’Okanabo taps on the glass. | |
Dark Michelangelo | It’s ninja time, dude. |
He laughs crazily until Sh’Okanabo pounds a fist against the unit. | |
Sh’Okanabo | My creations are yours for a trial encounter with the turtles. And if you are pleased with the results, we shall discuss my fee. |
Dunn | Tell me the place and time. I’ll see to it the turtles are there. |
His screen shuts off. Sh’Okanabo laughs. |
{Opening sequence; title song}
Open on Raphael and Leonardo inside the holo dojo. Both are warming up. | |
Raphael | Man, I am pumped! Can’t wait to bash me some bots. |
Leonardo | I just hope that Mikey loads in something unexpected. The battlebots can sometimes get so predictable. |
Michelangelo bounds into the room, spinning his nunchakus. | |
Michelangelo | Trust me, Leo, you’ve never seen anything like this before. It’s the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles versus… [The background mode changes to a grassy field, blue skies and a rainbow.] …the pre-teen, cute-as-can-be, judo duckies! |
A swarm of ducklings, all wearing matching Judogis with black belts attacks. Raphael looks down at one of the clamped down on his leg. He lifts another by its head and tosses it over his shoulder. | |
Raphael | It I wanted to go to ninja preschool again, I’d be on the roof with Cody. Dipstick. |
He storms off. Cut to the rooftop, where a practice mat has been laid out. Master Splinter stands to one side as he was Cody and Donatello face off. | |
Donatello | Okay, Cody, here I come. |
He leaps at Cody, who falls onto his back, lifts his legs to catch Donatello’s body, and flips the turtle over his head. | |
Cody | Hi~yah! |
Donatello | Hey, nice! You’re really coming along there. |
Cody | I can’t wait to become a real ninja so I can go out and kick some serious butt. |
Splinter | Cody, we train not to pursue battles, but to win if engaged in battle. |
Cody | Yeah, but-- I mean, there is some butt kicking, right? Just a little? |
Donatello rubs Cody’s head. | |
Donatello | We kick no behind before its time, little ninja. |
Inside the apartment, Serling is dusting. He straightens when Dunn clears his throat. | |
Serling | Mr. Dunn. I didn’t hear you come in. |
Dunn | Yes. Serling, where is my nephew and his little turtle friends? |
Serling pulls up a holovid view of Cody. | |
Serling | It appears Master Cody is on the roof with the rat. [He activates another holovid.] And the turtles are headed our way. [sigh] Heaven help us. |
Dunn | Ah, I just remembered an important call I must make. Would you excuse me? |
Serling | Of course, sir. |
Serling walks away. Dunn waits until he sees the turtles are within earshot and then talks on his phone. | |
Dunn | Yes, it’s a little surprise I’m planning for my nephew, Cody. Oh, he’ll never see this coming. |
Hiding around the corner, the turtles spy on him. | |
Donatello | What’s he doing here? |
They pull back when Dunn turns in their direction, still on his phone. | |
Dunn | I’ll meet you downtown at nine p.m. to pick it up. [He turns away again and the turtles peer around the corner.] Oh, I’m sure he’ll get a bang out of it. |
He laughs as he lowers the phone. | |
Raphael | You hear that? What’s that creepo up to now? |
Leonardo | I don’t know, but bet your shells we’re gonna find out. |
It is nighttime. A limousine cruises along the highway. | |
Leonardo | There it is, Darius’s limo. [The Hovershell follows.] Stay on him, Don. Whatever surprise he has in store for Cody, I want to catch him red-handed this time. |
Michelangelo | Wonder what dear old uncle is up to down here? |
As the limousine passes a section of road, off to the side a weapon is lifted and fires a missile directly at the Hovershell. It scores a hit, and the back end bursts into flames. The turtles shout as the Hovershell drops. | |
Donatello | We’re going down! Eject! |
The turtles eject. The Hovershell crashes, but the turtles all land safely on the street. They are looking at the flaming remains when a voice startles them. | |
Dark Michelangelo | Oopsie! |
He laughs and runs into the building next to Abroc’s Abyss. | |
Raphael | I’ll show you oopsie! |
He slams open the doors of the building and enters, with his brothers right behind him. They all stop to look around. Ahead of them, in the darkness, four sets of eyes light up. | |
Raphael | Who’s there? Show yourself! |
The four turtle clones step out of the shadows. The turtles gasp. | |
Leonardo | What the shell are you guys? |
Dark Leonardo | You might say we are your brothers. |
Dark Donatello | Or more precisely, your betters. |
Dark Michelangelo | Clones from your tissues, but with lots and lots of issues. |
Dark Raphael | Enough jibber jabber. Which one of you suckers is Raphael? |
Raphael | Right here, goonzilla. |
The turtles pull their weapons. | |
Dark Donatello | Oh, you won’t be needing those. |
He presses a button on his gauntlet and the turtles’ weapons are pulled out of their hands and up to a giant magnet mounted to the ceiling. | |
Donatello | Anyone else smell a setup? |
The two groups begin to fight. Raphael and his dark clone go head-to-head. | |
Dark Raphael | You’re one ugly turtle. |
Raphael | Whoa! [He rolls aside just before Dark Raphael punctures the floor where he was lying.] Did you just call me ugly, ugly? [He flips over the clone’s head.] You seen yourself? You look like something our toilet spit up. In fact, all you losers smell like a seawater and kitty litter milkshake. |
Dark Raphael takes a swipe at him and Raphael kicks him in the jaw with both feet. Dark Raphael clicks his jaw into place and when Raphael goes to kick him again, he grabs the smaller turtle’s foot. | |
Dark Raphael | Let’s crack your shell open… [He smashes Raphael into the floor.] and see if there’s a yummy cream filling inside. |
He smashes Raphael into the floor twice more and then dangles him upside down while laughing in his face. Meanwhile, Donatello throws repeated punches at his clone, but only succeeds in hitting his metal wrist guards. Donatello moves around, trying to find a way past his clone’s defenses. | |
Dark Donatello | Donatello. I’ve longed to meet my twin. I’ve studied your timing. You telegraph all your blows. Your technique is painfully obvious. |
Suddenly Donatello drops to the floor and sweeps Dark Donatello’s feet out from under him. | |
Donatello | Was that painfully obvious, or just obviously painful? |
Dark Donatello’s whips out and strikes Donatello, knocking him down. Switch to Leonardo battling his clone. | |
Leonardo | Taking our weapons while you remain armed? This is hardly a fair fight. [He ducks beneath Dark Leonardo’s swords, springs onto his hands, and kicks Dark Leonardo in the face with both feet.] If you are my clone, you should value the traditions of bushido, of honor. |
Dark Leonardo stares at him a moment, then rolls onto his side and kicks Leonardo down. | |
Dark Leonardo | My brothers and I share many similarities with you and your siblings, but valuing honor? Not so much. |
He grabs Leonardo by his arm and flings him across the floor. Leonardo slides to a stop near where Michelangelo is fighting with his clone. Dark Michelangelo lifts an unconscious Leonardo up by his mask tails. | |
Dark Michelangelo | Excuse me. I’m fighting my stinking doppelganger here. Geez, some people. [He tosses Leonardo aside and strides towards Michelangelo, who is on one knee.] I knew you were Michelangelo. They said you’d be the stupid looking one. |
Michelangelo | Stupid looking? Me? Dude, you’re the one with the two-foot tongue hanging out of your mouth. It looks like a big, pink booger. |
Dark Michelangelo swings a club and strikes Michelangelo, sending him flying. | |
Dark Michelangelo | Ooh, it looks like a long, fly ball. [Michelangelo hits the floor hard.] It’s out of here. |
Michelangelo | You know, this is just like the time Doc Dome had to fight his evil clone in the old Justice Force comics. |
Dark Michelangelo | Justice Force? That book sucked eggs. |
Michelangelo | Justice Force sucked eggs? [He growls.] Blasphemy! [He reaches up, grabs Dark Michelangelo’s tongue, and yanks his head down.] You’re no clone of mine! Aah! |
Michelangelo lets go of his clone’s tongue with a shriek. They both speak at the same time. | |
Dark Michelangelo | You just touched my tongue! |
Michelangelo | I just touched your tongue! |
Both groan in disgust as Dark Michelangelo swings his tongue around and Michelangelo waves his hands in the air. Dark Michelangelo grips Michelangelo by the enviro pack on his chest and lifts him up. Donatello is flat on his back on the floor and Dark Donatello leaps down to squat over his prone form. Dark Donatello rips the gauntlets from Donatello’s arm and Dark Leonardo does the same to Leonardo. The other dark clones stare at Dark Michelangelo, who is laughing while holding a struggling Michelangelo overhead. Dark Raphael crushes Raphael’s gauntlet in his hand and growls. | |
Dark Raphael | Finish it already! |
Dark Leonardo | And destroy his gauntlets. We wouldn’t want anyone tracking him. |
Dark Michelangelo rips off Michelangelo’s gauntlets and then reaches down to retrieve one of his clubs. He tosses Michelangelo up high and then uses the club like a bat, hitting Michelangelo and sending him flying into a wall. Michelangelo hits the wall so hard that he breaks through into the bar, Abroc’s Abyss, next door. Michelangelo hurtles past patrons and lands on a table. The Dark Turtles march through the hole and into the bar. Dark Michelangelo prances and chortles. | |
Dark Michelangelo | We just kicked mucho butt. Drinks are on us! |
The patrons stand up and start cheering. Cut to Cody’s penthouse. Cody is in his lab. | |
Cody | Well, if no one’s gonna let me do some serious ninja action on my own, I better get Turtle X fixed up. |
Master Splinter enters. | |
Splinter | Cody, do you know where my sons are? Their absence does not sit right. |
Cody | They said they were running an errand. That was a few hours ago. [He activates his wrist computer.] That’s really weird. I’m only getting one signal from their trackers. It’s Mikey. |
Splinter | Hmm. |
Cody | I’ll get Serling and meet you in the car. We’re gonna go find them. |
Splinter | No. If something has happened, I do not wish to place you in peril. I go alone. |
Cody | Sensei, the guys are always there for me. [Splinter starts to walk away.] If they’re in trouble, I wanna be there for them. Please. [Splinter stops.] Let me show you what I can do. |
Cut to Abroc’s Abyss, and the warehouse next to it. Serling cuts a large opening in the warehouse door and he along with Splinter and Cody enter. Cody spots something sparking amidst the rubble on the floor and runs to it. | |
Cody | There! |
Serling | It’s Michelangelo’s communicator. What’s left of it anyway. |
Splinter | An ambush. |
Cody | Maybe an O’Neil scanite can tell us more. |
He activates a control on his gauntlet and a small, square object rises up. It floats through the warehouse, using a scanning beam to search the area. | |
Scanite | Levels of seawater and sewage found. |
A huge frog-like alien appears at the new opening between the warehouse and Abroc’s Abyss. It stares at the trio in the warehouse and flicks out its tongue. | |
Cody | Seawater? Sewage? |
Suddenly a thick, wet tongue wraps around Cody and yanks him away. | |
Splinter | Cody! |
Cody yells as the frog alien pulls the boy into his hands. The frog alien laughs and Serling and Splinter run after him. | |
Serling | Master Cody! |
Splinter | Release the boy! |
Serling | Yes or, and I do apologize in advance, we may have to engage in fisticuffs. |
Frog Alien | Ah, a mouse and a wind-up toy. Don’t make me laugh. |
Splinter leaps at him, kicking the frog alien in the snout and making him drop Cody. Splinter goes after the frog alien while Serling rushes to Cody’s side. | |
Serling | Master Cody, are you all right? |
Cody | Grossed out, but okay. Quick, help Master Splinter. |
The frog alien has Splinter by the tail and is swinging him overhead. He then flings Splinter away. Splinter bounces off the floor and flies into the bar, where he hits a table hard enough to break it. | |
Serling | Oh, my! |
He races to Splinter’s aid and the frog alien laughs. He looks for Cody. | |
Frog Alien | Now where’s my little morsel? |
He searches all around, but doesn’t see Cody. Snapping his fingers, he turns and hops away. Splinter groans, makes it to his feet, and darts away. The alien whose table he broke crushes the two drink glasses he’s holding. | |
Alien | My table! Stinking furball, I’ll show you. |
He starts for Splinter, but Serling grabs his shoulders. | |
Serling | Excuse me, sir, the “furball” is with me. |
He lifts the alien and throws him into another patron’s table. | |
Visored Alien | Hey! |
Large Alien | What’s the big idea? |
They both run at Serling. A two-headed patron at the bar grins. | |
Two-Head | Yeah! Take him on! Fight! Fight! |
Serling and Splinter both knock down bar patrons and Cody leaps over the bar. He ducks down and the scanite floats over to him. | |
Cody | Audio filter any conversations you hear that include sewer, turtles, or sea. |
The scanite floats out over the bar. Serling and Splinter are still fighting. The scanite approaches a table where two aliens are sitting. | |
Blue Alien | Yeah, should have seen the last fight in here. Some crazy turtle dude brawling with some other turtles. One of them said they live in the sewer. Swell guys, but stink to high heaven. Sort of like a seawater and kitty litter milkshake. |
Cody has been listening to the conversation. | |
Cody | Other turtles, sewers, sea. [He activates his wrist computer for a map.] Show me underground clearings that are close to the sea and sewage systems. |
The map zeroes in on a location. On the other side of the bar, the two-headed patron ducks aside as Splinter leaps onto the bar and kicks the visored alien. Cody taps Splinter’s foot and he looks down. Cody speaks in a whisper. | |
Cody | I think I know where the guys are. |
Splinter gives him a thumbs up. Suddenly, there are sirens and the doors burst open to admit the Peacekeepers and Constable Biggles. | |
Constable Biggles | ‘Ello, ‘ello, ‘ello. What’s all this then? |
Splinter | You wish to show what you can do, little ninja? This may just be your chance. |
Splinter leaps down next to Serling. | |
Biggles | Who’s responsible for this mess? |
All of the bar patrons turn and point at Serling. | |
Serling | Oh, no. But…. |
Biggles | I hope you’re happy because now we’re all taking a little holiday downtown. |
Cody tiptoes to the entrance and then peeks back at Splinter, who nods. Cody runs down the street and finds a manhole cover marked “sewer” near the water. | |
Cody | Okay, Cody, you wanted to run with the big boys? [He uses a cutting tool on the manhole cover.] It’s ninja time. |
He cuts an opening and jumps through, landing in water. A sign nearby reads “Sewer 529 Access Panel”. Cody starts to check his map readout when he hears a voice. | |
Dark Raphael | What should we do with them? |
Dark Leonardo | The boss said he didn’t care as long as they never see the light of day again. |
Cody activates a button on his gauntlet as is surrounded by a white glow. He seems surprised when he floats up to the tunnel ceiling just as the Dark Turtles turn the corner. | |
Dark Donatello | Donatello’s body is going to science. |
They all laugh and pass under Cody, who is clinging to the ceiling. He crawls along, following them, as they enter a cavern that looks very much like the Y’Lyntian outpost lair where the turtles once lived. The Dark Turtles enter separate chambers and as Cody crawls along, he sees a bag that holds the turtles’ weapons. Then he looks down and spots the turtles themselves, all chained by their wrists to the wall. They smile when they see the boy. He hops down to the ground. | |
Leonardo | Cody! |
Raphael | Whoa. |
Michelangelo | All right! |
Donatello | Good to see ya’. |
Cody uses a cutting tool on his gauntlet and slices through their chains, freeing them. | |
Leonardo | Whoa, how’d the shell you find us? |
Cody | Oh, you know, a little luck and a whole lot of ninja stealth training. [He runs to the table holding the bag of weapons.] But we can talk about that later. [He grabs the bag and runs back towards them.] I believe these are yours. |
Before he reaches them, Dark Michelangelo leaps down and grabs Cody by the shoulders. The weapons hit the ground. | |
Dark Michelangelo | Hey, guys, we got a little guest and… |
Leonardo | Uh, hum! |
He looks up and is shocked to see the turtles are free. The other Dark Turtles arrive. | |
Dark Leonardo | No sudden moves. [He places his sword under Cody’s chin.] Or your friend here loses his head. |
Leonardo | Wait! We’re the ones you want. Don’t hurt him. |
Cody | Oh, they won’t. |
He grabs Dark Michelangelo’s wrist, puts his foot in front of his ankle, and flips Dark Michelangelo over his head. | |
Donatello | Nice flip, Cody! |
Turning towards the other Dark Turtles, Cody sprays smoke in their faces. While they are coughing and choking, he grabs the bag of weapons and runs forward to meet the turtles. | |
Leonardo | Way to go, Cody. |
The turtles grab their weapons. | |
Raphael | Here they come! |
The turtles race to meet their clones. Donatello uses his bō to knock Dark Donatello down. Dark Michelangelo chases Michelangelo, who flips out of his way. | |
Michelangelo | You know, if you’re my clone, that must mean that you have the same weakness as me. |
Dark Michelangelo | Huh? A weakness? [He grabs onto Michelangelo.] What weakness? Tell me! |
Michelangelo bats his arms aside and then hits him with a nunchaku. Dark Michelangelo smashes into the ground, rolls over, and then smacks into a wall. He sits on the ground, rocking dizzily, before tipping over. | |
Michelangelo | Sometimes I can be a bit gullible. |
Raphael backflips away from his clone and onto a table. He leaps as the clone takes a swing at him and the clone destroys the table. | |
Dark Raphael | I’m gonna make you not move no more. |
Raphael | Please, just keep your mouth shut while we fight. Your breath is rank. |
Dark Raphael takes another swing at him and Raphael uses his sai to slice off the tip of his talon knuckler. When Dark Raphael swings again, Raphael slices the other talon and then knocks him down. | |
Raphael | I mean, what do you guys eat anyway? Used baby diapers? |
Dark Leonardo and Leonardo’s swords clash and then both push away from each other. | |
Leonardo | I think you’ll find that my brothers and I are more than a match for you imposters. |
He charges and strikes so fast that Dark Leonardo has no chance to respond. Leonardo delivers several blows, driving Dark Leonardo backwards, before launching a spinning kick that takes Dark Leonardo down and out. In fear, the other Dark Turtles back away from their originals. Dark Michelangelo chuckles awkwardly. | |
Dark Michelangelo | Time out, guys? |
Michelangelo | Nope, game on. |
Dark Donatello | Then allow us a brief intermission. |
He tosses a round device into the air. | |
Dark Michelangelo | Toodle turtles! |
The device explodes, bringing the ceiling down between them. As boulders fall, Dark Donatello grabs Dark Leonardo and carries him out of the cavern. Raphael begins slicing at the boulders. | |
Raphael | No! Not fair! I had a few more gallons of fist to unload on those chumps. |
Leonardo | Save it, because now we’re gonna have a little talk with Darius. |
Cut to Cody’s penthouse, where the turtles, Cody, Splinter and Serling are gathered around Darius Dunn. | |
Dunn | Imagine my surprise when I get a call from Serling this evening and hear that he and Splinter have been jailed. Something about a scuffle downtown. |
Cody | The guys said they saw you downtown this evening too, Uncle. |
Leonardo | Any reason you were there, Mr. Dunn? |
Dunn | Ah, I’m no good at keeping secrets. [He chuckles.] Actually, Cody, I was picking up a surprise for your upcoming birthday. [He reaches into his pocket and brings out a Justice Force comic book, then gives it to Cody.] More of those artifacts you’re so fond of collecting. Downtown is the only place you can find them. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’d best be off. I have an early flight in the morning. [He walks away.] But don’t you worry, there are a lot more surprises in store for you. |
Donatello | Hmm. Strange those wannabes were set to jump us on the exact route Darius was taking. |
Cody | It seems like, whenever you get into these messes, Uncle Darius is always mixed up in it somehow. [He turns to Splinter and bows.] Thanks for believing in me tonight. |
Splinter | I simply followed my intuition. It may be time for you to follow yours. |
Cody frowns in thought. Cut to Chelsea Chasm and Sh’Okanabo’s ship. Dunn appears on Sh’Okanabo’s monitors. | |
Dunn | Your monstrosities failed to eliminate the turtles, but I do see their potential. I will keep them in my employ. Your fee? |
Sh’Okanabo | An anomaly transported your terrapin enemies through time to 2105. Disclose to me all O’Neil Tech data about this aberration. |
Dunn | That was an utterly random anomaly, not something you can recreate at will. |
Sh’Okanabo | Not with O’Neil Tech alone, but in tandem with my resources I am certain we can unhinge the secrets of time and space. |
Dunn | I’ll be in touch; you can count on it. |
The screen goes blank. | |
Sh’Okanabo | Soon, the Kanabo will devour this wretched planet whole. Soon. |
{Roll end credits}