Bad Bernie's Billiards is a location in New York City which appears in Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The establishment, operating as a billiard hall, is owned by Bad Bernie. It is a front for his less scrupulous operations. Bad Bernie's office is a large room inside the billiard hall.
A televised newscast shows Bad Bernie, accompanied by his attorney, at the Courthouse and after declaring that he's an innocent man, Bernie makes a point of telling the reporters that he's not some crime boss running the rackets on the East side. Goldfin sees this newscast and decides to enlist Bernie's aid in stealing the Jersey Bight. Goldfin goes to Bad Bernie's Billiards to meet with the man, since Bernie got in a plug for his place of business while he had the attention of the reporters. Donnie Goes Deep
Goldfin's meeting with Bernie continues in the office at Bad Bernie's Billiards. Bernie entices Goldfin with the idea of being rich in exchange for bringing the pearl to him. Opening a desk drawer, Bernie tosses a handful of gold jewelry at Goldfin and tells him to forget his undersea friends, since they chased him away without a thought. The Pearl