[Opening sequence and theme song.]
[Episode begins at the turtles’ lair. The guys are watching television.]
Donatello "How ridiculous. There's no such thing as a giant thirty-foot salamander."
Raphael "And that's coming from the lips of a talking turtle."
Michelangelo "Hey, dudes! Check out this flier I just found in the sewer! “The Posh Pizza.” Special introductory offer. Four pizzas for the price of one! Is that an awesome deal or what?"
Leonardo "What about “The Wizard That Swallowed Pittsburgh”?"
Michelangelo "Wouldn't you rather watch “The Turtles That Scarfed Pizza”?"
Leonardo "You've got a point."
[The turtles change into their disguises. Cut to the Technodrome in Dimension X.]
Krang "Come, Shredder! Bask in the brilliance of my latest invention! Behold, the weapon that will finally do away with our dreaded enemies, the turtles."
Shredder "A water pistol?"
Krang "You think this is just a silly toy, don't ya? Watch."
[He places the end of the pistol into a glass of liquid and then shoots it onto the food that a chicken is pecking at. The chicken ingests some of the liquid and immediately turns back into an egg.]
Krang "It's an age-reducing serum! One blast of it, and our enemies will revert back to helpless little turtles, leaving the city open to plunder."
Shredder "Splendid! I'll administer it to them personally."
Krang "Oh, no, you won't. I have decided to hand the assignment over to an expert.
May I present Captain Krulik."
[He opens an outer door to a newcomer.]
May I present Captain Krulik."
Krulik "Owner of Captain Krulik's Intergalactic Space Circus, featuring the most exotic collection of mutants in the entire galaxy."
[He indicates a spacecraft shaped like a circus wagon containing a number of caged mutants.]
Krang "Captain Krulik, look out! One of your creatures is loose!"
Krulik "This is Grillox, my right-hand mutant."
[He snaps a whip at Grillox, who in turn fires an energy beam from its fingertip, causing damage to the Technodrome.]
Krang "Aren't they a pair, though?"
Shredder "Don't tell me you're sending this walking furball and his keeper to capture the turtles!"
Krang "Captain Krulik is going to reduce the turtles to helpless toddlers, and dispose of them in the bargain."
Shredder "Really? And what's in it for you?"
Krulik "I get to keep them. Those walking, talking reptiles will be the new stars of my circus."
Krang "Shredder, prepare to leave for Earth. I expect you to cooperate with Captain Krulik."
Shredder "Oh, I can't believe it. From ninja master to bounty hunter for some seedy circus."
Krang "Oh, stop whining, Shredder. The show must go on!"
[Everyone but Shredder laughs. The turtles arrive at Posh Pizza.]
Michelangelo "Here we are, compadres! The Posh Pizza. Countdown to chow down!"
[A limo pulls up and its driver helps a well-dressed couple out of the vehicle. They enter the restaurant.]
Leonardo "Well, I don't know, guys. I don't think we're dressed up enough for this place!"
Raphael "Yeah! If I'd known it was this fancy, I'd have picked up our tuxes from the cleaners."
[They enter and see chandeliers and white tablecloths.]
Donatello "Leonardo was right. This place is too swanky for us."
Michelangelo "No sweat, dudes! Our money's as green as anyone's."
Raphael "Yeah, but so are our faces."
Maitre d' "Bonjour, messieurs. Do you have le reservation?"
Michelangelo "Huh? Uh, no, but we got le coupon. Uh, four pizzas for the price of one."
Maitre d' "Excuse moi, monsieur. You are dripping on our priceless oriental carpeting."
Raphael "Le okay, Pierre. Take us to our table, and we'll drip there. N'est-ce pas?"
Maitre d' "Very well. Follow me."
[As they are led to a table, the image pans into the kitchen, which is not as posh as the seating area. The maitre d' enters to speak to the cook, but his French accent is replaced by a Brooklyn one.]
Maitre d' "Hey, Louie! A four-for-one special."
Louie "Right."
[Krulik, Shredder, and Grillox approach the entrance to the restaurant. Grillox sniffs the ground near a fire hydrant.]
Shredder "You should have taken him out for walkies before we got here, Krulik!"
Krulik "Don't be a fool! Grillox is the best mutant tracker in the galaxy! He's on the trail of those turtles right now!
He's found them!"
[Grillox snuffles up to the entrance and points.]
He's found them!"
[The trio go around to the back alley and peer through a window into the kitchen. On a table near the window are four pizzas.]
Shredder "Oh, that must be for the turtles. Only they would be tacky enough to order a four-for-one special!"
Krulik "After I put the age-reversing serum on those pizzas, they'll only want strained carrots! Grillox! Do it!"
[Grillox pulls on the bars covering the window and yanks out an entire section of wall. Krulik squirts serum on the pizzas.]
Shredder "I'll show Krang that he needs me after all!
Oops! So sorry."
[He bumps Krulik’s arm and instead of squirting the rest of the pizzas, the serum goes into the lobster tank.]
Oops! So sorry."
Krulik "You clumsy idiot! I only squirted two of the pizzas! That was the last of the serum!"
[Grillox replaces the window section just before Louie arrives to grab the pizzas. The maitre d' brings the pizza to the turtles’ table.]
Maitre d' "I certainly hope you will eat and run."
Raphael "Remind me to leave this guy a big tip. Like, uh, don't eat crackers in bed."
[The turtles chomp and slurp their way through the pizzas while the other guests stare at them. Michelangelo begins to grow younger.]
Michelangelo "Oh, what gives? Suddenly, this table's a little too high!"
Donatello "So is your voice. You wanna keep it down?"
Raphael "Somethin' weird is goin' on! Michelangelo is shrinking!"
[Leonardo shrinks as he also grows younger.]
Donatello "Leonardo is, too!"
Leonardo "What happened? I can't reach the pizza! Wah! I want my p-p-pizza!"
Michelangelo "Well, you can't have mine!"
[He jumps onto the table and he and Leonardo begin tugging on a slice of pizza. They both lose their hold on it and it flies across the room before splatting on the maitre d's head.]
Maitre d' "What the heck--? I mean, sacre bleu!"
Michelangelo "Food fight! Food fight! Got ya!"
[He throws pizza at Leonardo and giggles when the pizza hits his brother.]
Leonardo "Did not! Did not! Ya’ missed me by a mile!"
[They start throwing food at each other.]
Donatello "There's something really weird going on here."
Maitre d' "The rules are quite explicit. No children allowed!
Yow! Ow! Ow!"
[Gets hit by food.]
Yow! Ow! Ow!"
Raphael "Come on, guys! I got this knack for sensing when we're not wanted."
Donatello "We better get them back to my lab, and fast!"
[The still grown turtles grab their now younger brothers and leave the restaurant. The villainous trio spy on them from around the corner.]
Krulik "See what you've done! Only two of them got shrunk!"
Shredder "Yeah, well you should've thought to bring more serum!"
Krulik "Never mind. Two is better than none. I'll snag the brats, while you and Grillox take care of the other two."
Shredder "Let me warn you. I am not used to taking orders."
Krulik "Let me warn you. I'm not used to being disobeyed!"
[A panting Grillox taps Krulik on his shoulder and points. Krulik turns to see the turtles coming in his direction.]
Michelangelo and Leonardo "One, two, buckle my shoe! Three, four—"
Krulik "We'll settle this later! Right now, let's get those turtles!"
Young Turtles "One, two, buckle my shoe! Three, four, shut the door! Five, six—"
[Krulik pounces, dropping a trash can on the pair and then running off with his captives.]
Krulik "Now you're in a fix!"
[Donatello and Raphael round the corner to retrieve their brothers and encounter Shredder.]
Donatello "Shredder!"
Shredder "Surprise!"
Donatello "I shoulda known you were behind this!"
Krulik "So these are your famous talking turtles, eh? Grillox! Take them!"
[The turtles shed their disguises as Grillox approaches.]
Donatello "Easier said than done, fella!"
[Grillox attacks. Donatello trips him up with his bō and Grillox lands in an open dumpster. The lid slams down on his head.]
Shredder "So much for amateurs! Now watch a professional! Care to dance?"
[He breaks off a metal fence post. Raphael grabs a trash can lid, using it as a shield.]
Raphael "This is the perfect way to fight off garbage!"
[Raphael drops the trash can lid and grabs the post, flipping Shredder head over heels. Shredder hits Krulik, who is sitting on top of the trash can the turtle tots are in. When they fall, the trash can overturns and the tots escape.]
Michelangelo "Oh, whoa! We finally got out of that smelly place!"
Leonardo "Ah, this is kinda boring. Let's go find a TV and watch some cartoons!"
Michelangelo "Gnarly notion, dude!"
[They skip away, arm in arm. Donatello fights against Krulik, who is using a bull whip, and Raphael is once more tangling with Shredder.]
Donatello "Michelangelo! Leonardo! Wait!"
Krulik "Those little turtles are getting away! Grillox! You stop the other turtles! I'll go after them!"
[Grillox ducks his head and looks reluctant. Krulik snaps him with the whip. Grillox growls and shoots laser beams from his fingers at the two grown turtles.]
Donatello "Oh, the tiny tots are getting away!"
Raphael "I know. But we've got other problems!"
Donatello "Help me loosen this fence!"
Raphael "Right!"
[They pull a section of fencing loose and twist it into a circle. A laser shot hits the fence, bounces up to a railing overhead which then drops on the villains.]
Villains "Look out! Yah! Grr!"
Donatello "Now where did Michelangelo and Leonardo go?"
[The tots stop at a very busy intersection.]
Michelangelo "Oh, dude! Scope out all the cars! How do we get across?"
Leonardo "You're supposed to cross when the light is green."
Michelangelo "But it's red!"
Leonardo "I know. But let's cross anyway."
[The walk into the road directly in front of a large truck. The truck horn blares and tires squeal. Donatello and Raphael spot the tots and start yelling.]
Donatello "No!"
Raphael "Look out!"
[The older turtles leap for their brothers, grabbing them and rolling to safety on the sidewalk.]
Michelangelo "Oh, that was fun! Do it again, huh? Do it again?"
Donatello "You two are in big trouble. You know you're not supposed to run out into traffic!"
Raphael "Yeah! Grow up, will ya?"
Leonardo "Ah, phooey! What a couple of meanies!"
Donatello "Ah, looks like we've got our work cut out for us! Let's get these two back to the lair, where they'll be safe!"
[Back at the lair, the tots eat pizza while the older brothers talk over the situation.]
Donatello "Now, the way I figure out, Shredder must have slipped some sort of age-reversing serum into our food. But only Leonardo and Michelangelo actually ate it!"
Raphael "Sounds right to me!"
Michelangelo "Oh, this pizza is yummy! How do you make it?"
Raphael "Michelangelo! You don't remember how to make pizza?"
Michelangelo "Uh-uh. Am I supposed to?"
Raphael "Wow. That serum sure is powerful stuff."
Donatello "I know. I only hope they don't regress any further!"
Raphael "Further?"
Donatello "Back to turtle eggs.
Okay. You two stay here, and color your books. Now Raphael and I have to go look for something."
[In the living room, the tots are coloring while Donatello and Raphael change into street disguises.]
Okay. You two stay here, and color your books. Now Raphael and I have to go look for something."
Leonardo "Is Uncle Splinter gonna baby-sit us? Huh?"
Raphael "No! He's out taking a sabbatical!"
Michelangelo "Oh, is that like taking a bath?"
Donatello "Ha, I don't have time to explain just now. Now remember; you're not to leave the lair. You promise?"
Tots "Scout's honor!"
[Both have their fingers crossed behind their shells. When the older turtles are gone, they wink at each other.]
Michelangelo "All right! Let's have some fun!"
[They run out to a tunnel and hop on a cheapskate together.]
Leonardo "Cool! Let's go sewer skating!"
Tots "Cowabunga!"
[The villains are still in the alley where the turtles left them.]
Krulik "Where could those blasted little turtles have disappeared to?"
Shredder "Don't ask me. You're in charge of this operation.
Yes, Krang, what is it?"
[His comlink rings.]
Yes, Krang, what is it?"
Krang "Of all the incompetent, lame-brained, half-wits!"
Shredder "It's for you!"
Krulik "Captain Krulik, here."
Krang "Well? Where are those turtles?"
Krulik "
Well, we've run into a few stumbling blocks."
[Laughs nervously.]
Well, we've run into a few stumbling blocks."
Krang "No excuses! Oh, you'll deliver those turtles, or else!"
Krulik "Or else what?"
Krang "Or else this!"
[Krang presses a button and sends an electric shock through the comlink.]
Shredder "He sends a rather forceful message, wouldn't you say?"
Krulik "Never mind that! Now let's find those turtles!"
Shredder "Whatever you say, fearless leader. Ha ha ha!"
[Donatello and Raphael dig through the trash behind the pizza restaurant.]
Raphael "Oh, yuck! Anyone who thinks a ninja turtle's life is all fun and games should see this episode!"
Donatello "Sorry, but to find the antidote, we've gotta find the serum."
Raphael "Yes, I know that! And to find the serum, we gotta find the leftover pizzas!"
Donatello "Since when don't you like leftover pizza?"
Raphael "Since now."
[Flies buzz around a slice of pizza he’s holding. Donatello holds up another slice.]
Donatello "Bingo! I found it! These are Michelangelo's teeth marks!"
Raphael "And these are Leonardo's! I'd recognize 'em anywhere!"
Donatello "Let's get these to my lab, and I'll run some tests."
Raphael "Hey, can we stop on the way and pick up a pizza?
I'm just kidding."
[Donatello reacts in shock.]
I'm just kidding."
[The turtles tots zoom along the sidewalks topside on their cheapskate.]
Michelangelo "Oy, this is fun!"
[People scream and shout as the tots zip past pedestrians. They smash into a metal wastebasket and then crawl out of it.]
Leonardo "Whoa! Oh, the stopping part isn't so great, though! Oh, my tummy's growling."
Michelangelo "I'm hungry!"
Leonardo "Me, too."
Michelangelo "Hey, look! There's the building where Auntie April works!"
Leonardo "I'll betcha she'll give us some milk and cookies!"
[April is sitting at her desk typing on her computer when a security monitor flickers on and a security guard appears onscreen.]
Murphy "Hey, yo, Miss O'Neil? You got a couple of visitors."
April O'Neil "Who is it, Murphy? I'm on a tight deadline."
Murphy "Well, it's a couple of kids in Halloween costumes. They say they're your nephews."
April "That's ridiculous! I don't have any nephews!"
Leonardo "Hi, Auntie April!"
Michelangelo "Oh, boy, are we hungry!"
April "Murphy, don't let 'em out of your sight. I'm on my way!
Okay, you two. Tell me who you are."
[Back in her office, April has the tots seated in a chair.]
Okay, you two. Tell me who you are."
Leonardo "Well, don't you know us, Auntie April? I'm Leonardo!"
Michelangelo "And I'm Michelangelo!"
April "You couldn't be! Leonardo and Michelangelo are teenagers!"
Michelangelo "We are too us!"
Leonardo "Why are you so m-m-m-mean?"
[They both start crying. April kneels in front of them and pats their shoulders.]
April "All right, all right. Don't cry. Wait here while Auntie April makes a phone call."
Michelangelo "Hey, look! Auntie April got her own TV set!"
[He hops into April’s chair and starts pressing keys on the computer keyboard.]
Leonardo "Goodie! Let's watch some cartoons!
Oh oh! You blowed up the TV!"
[Michelangelo presses buttons and suddenly there’s a small explosion inside the computer. Smoke rises from the monitor.]
Oh oh! You blowed up the TV!"
Michelangelo "Uh-uh. I-I... It blowed itself up!"
[Donatello and Raphael search the lair for their brothers.]
Donatello "Michelangelo! Leonardo! This is no time to play hide 'n' seek!"
Raphael "I, uh, I hate to tell ya this, but they flew the coop.
Michelangelo's sewer skate is gone!"
[He’s looking into the sewer tunnel.]
Michelangelo's sewer skate is gone!"
Donatello "Oh, that's the trouble with kids, nowadays. They never listen!
Donatello here."
[His turtlecom beeps.]
Donatello here."
April "Donatello, what's going on?"
Donatello "Sorry, April. No time to chat. I've got an emergency here!"
April "Well, I've got an even bigger one! Or should I say, two small ones?"
Donatello "You mean Michelangelo and Leonardo are with you?"
April "Then it really is them?"
Donatello "Yes! Shredder slipped some age-reversal serum into their pizzas! Please, April, you've gotta keep them there until I figure out an antidote!"
April "Okay. But try to hurry! The chief has been on my case all day!
And to think I nearly lost my temper with poor little Michelangelo and Leonardo—
Oh, no!"
[She walks back to her office.]
And to think I nearly lost my temper with poor little Michelangelo and Leonardo—
[She enters the office and finds that it’s been wrecked.]
Oh, no!"
Leonardo "Look at us, Auntie April! We're playin' "Weatherman"!
I'm making it snow!"
[He’s dumping the trash.]
I'm making it snow!"
Michelangelo "And I'm making a waterfall!"
[He’s running a continuous stream of computer paper through the copier. April darts over to turn it off.]
April "And I'm having a nervous breakdown."
Leonardo "Where are you taking us, Auntie April? To watch TV? Huh? Huh?"
April "No, to be on TV."
[April holds the turtles’ hands and takes them to a television set where a kids’ TV show is being filmed. The tots sit in the stands with the other kids, all of them wearing costumes.]
Uncle Bob "Hi, kids!"
Kids "Hurray, Uncle Bob!"
Uncle Bob "Welcome to Uncle Bob's Costume Kiddie Cartoon Show!"
Kids "Hooray!"
Uncle Bob "Hey, those are neat costumes you kids are wearing!"
Leonardo "Costume? What costume?"
Uncle Bob "What are your names?"
Leonardo "We're Leonardo. And he's Michelangelo!"
Uncle Bob "Oh ho! You must be Italian!"
Leonardo "No, but we sure do like pizza!"
[Close up on a cat sitting on a porch post. A dog barks and the cat runs. On a nearby sidewalk, Shredder, Krulik and Grillox walk by.]
Krulik "Time grows short! We must find those turtles!"
[Grillox grunts several times and points at a TV in a shop window. Uncle Bob’s show is on the screen, with Uncle Bob talking to Michelangelo and Leonardo. Grillox finally grabs Krulik and pulls him over.]
Krulik "Stop that! I don't have time for some stupid kiddie program!"
Shredder "Ho! It looks like your mutant has the brain of a child!"
Krulik "But he also has the instincts of a bloodhound! Look!"
Shredder "The turtles!"
Krulik "They're mine, at last! Ha ha ha!"
[Return to the Uncle Bob show set.]
Uncle Bob "Hey, kiddies! What's it time for?"
Kids "The Uncle Bob Show!"
Uncle Bob "Well, let's get started!"
Kids "Yay!"
[The villains run onto the set.]
Krulik "The show's over, you little brats!"
Leonardo "It's Shredder and those bad guys!"
Uncle Bob "Uh-ha, excuse me. You fellas are on the wrong set. They're taping Star Drek in Studio 4B!"
Krulik "That's enough out of you, clown!
Shredder! Grillox! Seize them!"
[He wraps his whip around Uncle Bob and yanks, spinning the clown like a top and sending him tearing through a backdrop.]
Shredder! Grillox! Seize them!"
Michelangelo "Hey, kids! Don't be afraid! They're just big, bogus bullies!"
[Shredder runs up and a little girl in a Bo Peep costume hooks his leg with her staff and throws him into some paintings.]
Bo Peep "Got ya!"
[The paintings fall on his head, which rips through them. The top one is a clown costume and there is the sound of Uncle Bob laughing. Leonardo claps hands with Bo Peep and they give each other a thumbs up.]
Leonardo "All right!"
[A kid in a football player costume throws his football and hits Grillox in the face. The kid runs at Grillox and headbutts him in the chest, knocking him onto a makeup table. The kids all cheer. Krulik starts snapping his whip.]
Krulik "If you want something done properly-- Eh?"
[A powder puff hits him and he starts coughing from the powder. Michelangelo runs up, grabs the end of his whip, and runs around Krulik, wrapping the whip around his body while singing.]
Michelangelo "Here we go 'round the mulberry bush~ Wee!"
[Krulik spins and then falls down, groaning.]
Michelangelo "Oh, what do you know? The mulberry bush fell down!"
Leonardo "Hey, kids! What do we do to bad guys?"
Kids "We tickle 'em! Tickle, tickle, tickle!"
[The kids all leave their seats, surround Krulik and start tickling him. Krulik laughs uncontrollably.]
Krulik "Oh, stop it! Uncle! Uncle!"
[Michelangelo and Leonardo give each other a high-three.]
Tots "Tiny Turtle Power!"
[At the lair, Donatello shouts his triumph as he holds a test tube filled with liquid.]
Donatello "This is it, Raphael! The age-reducing antidote!"
Raphael "Well, it's about time! I was getting old waiting!"
Donatello "Quick! Pop a couple of frozen pizzas into the microwave!"
Raphael "Oh, man. You picked a heck of a time to get an attack of the munchies."
Donatello "No, it's for Leonardo and Michelangelo! The serum was on a pizza, so the antidote has to be taken the same way."
[Donatello pours the antidote on two pizzas and the turtles leave. Back at Channel 6, April approaches the door to “The Uncle Bob Show”.]
April "I better peek in on the boys, and see how they're doing.
Oh, no! Not again!
Oh, no! Shredder! What have you done to Leonardo and Michelangelo?"
[She opens the door and sees that the set is a wreck.]
Oh, no! Not again!
[Then she spots the three villains. Grillox is holding a rope.]
Oh, no! Shredder! What have you done to Leonardo and Michelangelo?"
Shredder "Don't look at me! This isn't my evil plan! Ask Captain Krulik!"
Krulik "Your little friends are perfectly safe. At least for the moment."
[Above them, Michelangelo and Leonardo are trapped on a suspended platform.]
Leonardo "Don't trust that guy, Auntie April!"
Michelangelo "Yeah! We let him up when he said "uncle," and then he grabbed us! He cheated!"
April "What are you gonna do with them?"
Krulik "These shell-backed mutants will be the stars of my circus! They'll perform in every galaxy in the universe!"
April "Put those poor innocent things in a circus? Over my dead body!"
Krulik "Egad! What a tantalizing suggestion! Grillox!"
[Grillox growls and grabs April, wrapping the end of the rope around her body.]
April "Let go of me, you big ape!"
Krulik "Try to interfere, and your little reptile friends will be scrambled turtles!"
April "Captain Krulik, you're a despicable, heartless monster!"
Shredder "Oh, I remember when you used to say those things to me."
[April’s turtlecom beeps.]
Krulik "What was that?"
Shredder "It's called a turtlecom.
It keeps her in contact with those slimy reptiles."
[He takes it from her belt.]
It keeps her in contact with those slimy reptiles."
Krulik "It does, eh?
[He grabs and opens it.]
Donatello "Hey! Where's April?"
Krulik "I'm afraid she's tied up right now. Ha ha ha!"
Donatello "You again! What's going on there?"
Krulik "Come to Studio 9B, and find out for yourselves!
Well, it looks like I'll go home with all four turtles, after all!"
[He closes the turtlecom.]
Well, it looks like I'll go home with all four turtles, after all!"
[Raphael and Donatello arrive at the entrance to the show set.]
Raphael "Why the panic?"
Donatello "It's that same creep who jumped us in the alley! He's got April's turtlecom!"
Raphael "Which means he's got April!"
[They burst through the door and see April, all tied up.]
Donatello "April! What happened?
Run, April! Run!"
[The villains attack from their hiding places behind the doors.]
Run, April! Run!"
April "I can't! This rope is attached to that platform!"
Leonardo "You bad guys will be sorry now!"
Michelangelo "Yeah, our big brothers are gonna fix you good!"
Donatello "We're gonna need all the help we can get. Leonardo! Michelangelo! Catch!"
[He tosses the pizzas up to the two tots, who catch them.]
Michelangelo "Oh, I'm tired of pizza!"
Leonardo "Mine's got mushrooms on it! Yech!"
[Shredder rushes Donatello from behind. Donatello turns and smacks him in the face with the metal pizza pan.]
Donatello "Hi-yah!"
[Raphael punches a charging Grillox in the gut.]
Raphael "Quit griping and eat those pizzas!"
Michelangelo "Forget it!"
Leonardo "No way!"
[Donatello tussles with Krulik for control of his staff and knocks him down.]
Donatello "Finish your pizza, and you'll get ice cream!"
Michelangelo "Oh, boy!"
[They both quickly chow down on the pizzas.]
Leonardo "Hey! What's going on?
I feel so weird."
[His voice gets deeper as they begin to grow.]
I feel so weird."
Michelangelo "We're growing bigger! Holy guacamole!"
[As they grown, they get heavier and the platform lowers. That causes April to be lifted off the ground.]
April "Help! Stop! Get me down!"
[Raphael tosses a sai through the rope and April falls on top of Grillox.]
Michelangelo "Cowabunga!"
Leonardo "Ready to face the Mean Green Team?"
Krulik "Four against three. I hate those odds!"
Shredder "Krang! Mayday! Mayday! Portal us up!"
[A portal immediately opens and the three villains dash through.]
April "Leonardo! Michelangelo! You're yourselves again!"
Michelangelo "Dudette, we were always us! Just a skosh shorter."
[The villainous trio meet with Krang outside the Technodrome.]
Krang "So, Krulik, you failed. And miserably, I might add. Why, you're no better than Shredder!"
Krulik "I-It... It's all Grillox's fault!
Yes, you fouled things up for the last time, you fur-covered banana-brain!"
[He starts beating Grillox with his whip.]
Yes, you fouled things up for the last time, you fur-covered banana-brain!"
[Grillox growls and grabs the whip, yanking Krulik towards him. Grabbing Krulik’s lapels, he tosses the ringmaster into the cage with the mutants.]
Krulik "No, no! Go away! Don't hurt me! I'm really a terrific guy! I love mutants!"
[Grillox climbs into the driver’s seat and the circus wagon flies away. Back at the lair, the turtles are cleaning up the leftover mess.]
Michelangelo "Man, I don't see why we've got to clean up the lair."
Donatello "Because you're the ones who messed it up!"
Leonardo "Sure! Blame it on a couple of five-year-olds!"
Michelangelo "Bro, look at this fabuloso drawing I did!"
Leonardo "Not bad. But mine's better."
[They are comparing drawings they did of themselves.]
Michelangelo "Is not!"
Leonardo "Is too!"
Michelangelo "Is not!"
Leonardo "Is too!"
Michelangelo "Is not!"
Raphael "Better mix up another batch of that antidote, boy genius! Looks like this one's wearing off."
Michelangelo "Is not!"
Leonardo "Is too!"
Michelangelo "Is not!"
Leonardo "Too!"
Michelangelo "Not!"
[End Credits]