[Opening sequence and theme song.]
[Episode opens on the city, where a heavy rain is accompanied by lightening and thunder. The scene shifts into the sewers. The turtles are in the lair watching television and shouting at the show that is playing.]
Turtles "Get them. That's it. Come on. Nail them. Yeah! Woo-hoo! Go get 'em! Ow!"
[Donatello walks over to the television and changes the channel.]
Raphael "What do you think you're doing, Donatello? We're watching something."
Michelangelo "Yeah. An Ace Duck film festival."
Donatello "April's doing a special report she wants us to watch."
April O'Neil "This is April O'Neil at the army testing laboratory, about to bring you the first public demonstration of a new super laser."
[The television screen suddenly turns staticky.]
April "Sorry-- interruption, folks-- electrical storm."
Michelangelo "Whoa, dudes, am I glad I'm not out in this rain."
Raphael "Hey, you're part turtle. You love water."
Michelangelo "Totally bogus concept, bud."
April "This is the laser's power source. The electrical energy required is enormous, one point three gigawatts."
Michelangelo "Whoa! Fantabuloso. Uh, how much is a gigawatt?"
Donatello "Let me put it this way, you wouldn't want it to show up on your light bill."
April "This laser beam can cut through any material known to man. Now the laser will be turned up to full power to cut through this foot-thick steel block."
[Outside, lightening strikes a distribution transformer and travels through the power line into the building. The laser’s control panel begins to overload, and the scientists run. The laser begins to cut through the steel block, which explodes. People shout and duck.]
April "A bolt of lightning just overloaded the laser. Hold on. Something just arrived from some sort of space in space."
[A portal opens and a robot appears.]
MACC "Wow. What a ride. I wonder where I am."
Soldier One "That creature! What is it?"
Soldier Two "It must be an enemy alien. Take it down."
MACC "Hmm. Inhabitants shooting at one another. This can only be Earth."
Soldier One "Hey, what's the story?"
Soldier Two "I don't know. But I ain't waiting for no sequel."
Scientist "That thing is getting out of hand. We've got to stop it now."
[They fire their laser at MACC, but it is unaffected.]
MACC "Ha ha ha! That tickles. An extremely ancient laser model. I hope it wasn't a family heirloom."
[People are screaming and running away.]
April "What is this thing?"
Donatello "Whatever it is, I know someone who'd love to get his hands on it."
Leonardo "You mean—"
Donatello "Who else?"
[Underground in the Technodrome, Krang and Shredder are watching the broadcast.]
Krang "I want that robot."
Shredder "Now, Krang, you can't have everything you see on TV."
Rocksteady "Ooh, if you're real good, maybe you'll get one for Christmas."
Krang "Quiet, you mutant morons! I've never seen such a robot. It's invulnerable to laser weapons. It's not from any world I know. Wait, did you see that?"
Shredder "It's called a neck. Something I'm sure you'd like to have."
Krang "Ooh, just because I'm all brain doesn't mean I don't have feelings. This robot's neck is possibly its only vulnerable spot. If you can place this docilator on its neck, it will override the robot's programming so we can control it. Imagine an entire army of invincible robots from another dimension-- all eager to serve me."
Shredder "This is something you just happened to have lying around, right?"
Krang "We've got to keep the story moving. Remember The docilator's batteries will not last long. You must return with the robot immediately."
Shredder "Don't worry. We shall not fail."
Krang "I wish I had a Dimension X dollar for every time I've heard that."
April "It looks like the army really wants this robot intruder badly."
[MACC spots her and speaks in a cowboy type dialect.]
MACC "Howdy, ma'am."
April "Oh. What are you doing?"
MACC "I'm-a rescuing you from Comanches."
Leonardo "April's in serious trouble."
Raphael "I'll say. She's got to listen to that bad cowboy dialect."
Donatello "Let's go, turtles."
April "Put me down, you big lug."
Leonardo "You heard the lady. Put her down."
April "Oh, turtles, am I glad to see you."
MACC "Hmm. More hostile earthlings or something."
Raphael "So much for the direct approach."
Leonardo "I've got an idea. Michelangelo and I will keep that thing busy while you and Donatello attack from behind."
MACC "Taste hot lead, you sidewinders."
Donatello "Wha--hey!"
MACC "Are you no-good polecats trying to bushwhack me?"
Raphael "At least get it right. We're turtles."
Leonardo "Michelangelo, what are you doing?"
Michelangelo "I'm gonna try something. Yo, bro! Peace, dude."
MACC "Peace, dude."
Michelangelo "All right. Give me three. What's your name? And like, where'd you come from?"
MACC "I am MACC-- mobile armored computerized combatant and I am from sector 4, level 8."
Donatello "Sector 4, level 8? What year is this, MACC?"
MACC "A piece of seaweed cake. It is now 2390 a.d."
April "He's from four hundred years in the future."
Leonardo "We've got company."
MACC "I'll handle these galoots. So much for those bushwhackers."
Donatello "Listen, MACC, it's not safe here. You'd better come with us."
MACC "Be my pleasure, partners."
Leonardo "How come you talk like a cowboy, MACC?"
MACC "There's nothing to watch on those long interdimensional trips except ancient Western movies.
Oops. Going down."
[A section of flooring gives way and MACC falls.]
Oops. Going down."
Donatello "What happened?"
Rocksteady "Ain't we a couple of cutups?"
Shredder "This robot is under my control now, turtles."
MACC "I am under your control."
Donatello "Oh, great. Shredder just grabbed the most powerful weapon on Earth."
Michelangelo "Major bummer."
Leonardo "They've got MACC. We've got to stop them."
Shredder "Destroy the turtles."
MACC "Destroy the turtles."
April "Oh, no. It's going to fire."
Shredder "Didn't you hear me? I said destroy the turtles."
MACC "I reckon you hombres are headed for the last roundup."
Shredder "The docilator failed."
MACC "Dance, you varmints. Dance."
Rocksteady "Sure thing. Um, you want a waltz or fox trot?"
Bebop "You can even lead if you want."
[Shredder, Rocksteady, and Bebop jump into their transport module.]
Leonardo "Shredder and those creeps are getting away."
Raphael "So what else is new?"
Donatello "Are you okay? We thought your diodes got scrambled by that device of Shredder's."
MACC "I did feel a bit reprogrammed for a moment, but I didn't like those fellows. They're too violent."
April "You don't like violence? But you're programmed to be a warrior."
MACC "I was a factory reject."
April "Oh, I'd love to do an interview with him. MACC--the robot warrior from the future. An April O'Neil exclusive."
MACC "Gosh. I feel so important."
Leonardo "Make it fast, April. The army's going to be after him."
Krang "Another failure, Shredder? You have an almost perfect record."
Shredder "If that stupid docilator of yours had worked—"
Krang "I'm tired of your miserable excuses. I've made a new and improved docilator-- one that cannot fail."
Shredder "Then you shall have the robot. I vow it."
Krang "Cross your heart and hope to die?"
Shredder "What heart?"
Krang "Shredder, you're my kind of guy."
April "Great interview, MACC."
MACC "Glad to oblige, ma'am."
Leonardo "Now let's get going."
MACC "Hold on. Number five, what brings you here?"
April "MACC, that's a TV camera."
MACC "Oh, how weird. It looks just like my brother."
[Shift to MACC rolling through the streets while carrying the turtles.]
Donatello "This sure beats riding the subway."
MACC "So much to learn. I need to learn more. Which way is your nearest data bank repository?"
Leonardo "Data bank repository?"
Donatello "He means the public library."
All "That way."
[They all point in different directions.]
Donatello "Great ninjas, yes. Great readers, no."
[MACC and the turtles are in the library and MACC is pulling books from shelves.]
Leonardo "They have a security guard so keep it quiet."
MACC "Hmm. Truly fascinating."
Michelangelo "Whoa! Awesome! Talk about your speed reading."
Security Guard "Hey, you! What do you guys think you're doing?"
MACC "Inputting data and having a wonderful time doing it."
Security Guard "A wise guy, huh? I'll input you."
Donatello "No problem, sir. Uh, we'll pick up all these books. Come on, fellas, pitch in."
Security Guard "Wait a minute. You're that robot the army's looking for."
MACC "Yes. It's nice to be wanted."
Security Guard "And you're the crooks who swiped it."
MACC "There will be no violence."
[MACC shoots a laser at the guards pants, which drop to reveal he’s wearing heart covered boxers.]
Security Guard "Hey. Oops."
MACC "That was fun."
Donatello "I think it's time we checked out of this library."
Raphael "In fact, we're overdue."
Security Guard "Stop, you creeps, come back."
Michelangelo "It appears you kind of blew it, dude."
MACC "But that guard was about to become violent. I detest violence."
Raphael "I kind of feel the same way about underwear with hearts on 'em."
[Back inside the lair, the turtles introduce MACC to Master Splinter.]
Leonardo "This is our Sensei, Splinter."
MACC "Howdy, partner."
Splinter "Huh-huh-huh-howdy."
Donatello "Hey, come see my workshop, MACC. I've got lots more data to amass."
MACC "All right! Amass mondo data."
Donatello "Ow! You pack quite a wallop."
MACC "Sorry. Since my arrival, my circuits don't feel quite right."
[As it rolls past the TV, a stray electrical current shoots out of MACC and destroys the television.]
Michelangelo "W-what happened?"
MACC "It appears your primitive image receiver just bit the dust."
Michelangelo "Primitive? We've still got twenty-eight payments left."
Donatello "I've run a few tests on MACC, and that trip through time must've done something to his circuits. They're deteriorating rapidly."
Leonardo "So, what does that mean?"
Donatello "It means that he's becoming a real danger to himself and others. He's gonna blow up."
MACC "I cannot harm my friends. I must disappear."
[MACC rolls out of the lair and into the sewer tunnels. Suddenly MACC is set upon by Foot soldiers.]
MACC "Huh? Bushwhackers."
Shredder "This will slow you down. You will go to the surface and wait for me."
Rocksteady "Ooh, but, boss, Krang told us to bring the robot straight back to the Technodrome."
Shredder "He'll get his plaything soon enough. After I've amused myself for a while."
Donatello "Fellas, MACC is gone."
Raphael "He must've heard us talking about him."
Leonardo "He won't last five minutes out there in the big city."
Splinter "He is an innocent in our world. He could cause great harm."
Donatello "Yeah, especially to anyone near him when he explodes."
Burne Thompson "A great interview, April."
April "Thanks, chief."
Thompson "Viewers will love the gimmick of a peace-loving military robot from the future."
Vernon "We just got word that some berserko robot is attacking a police station."
April "It’s MACC!"
Thompson "Ooh! So much for your peace-loving robot. Where are you going?"
April "To cover that story and to warn the turtles."
Shredder "Chaos. Destruction. I love it."
[As the turtles drive in their turtle van, April calls on the turtlecom.]
April "Hurry, fellas. MACC is on a rampage."
Leonardo "We see him, April. Thanks."
Michelangelo "Scope it out, dudes. Looks like nuke city."
Donatello "I can't believe MACC would do this."
Raphael "Believe it."
Shredder "Attack! Destroy the turtles."
Leonardo "It's Shredder."
Donatello "He's got MACC under his control. He's about to open fire."
Leonardo "Hit the pavement!"
MACC "I love the smell of lasers in the morning."
Michelangelo "Whoa! Ooh!"
Leonardo "He sure has changed from the MACC we used to know."
Raphael "I kinda liked the old one better."
MACC "More targets. I want more targets."
April "Wow. What a scene. Ow!"
Leonardo "April, you okay?"
April "Forget me. Look what that crazy robot did to my camera."
Donatello "MACC can't help it. That device Shredder's using to control him is speeding things up. He could self-destruct at any moment."
Raphael "I'd kinda like to be out of the neighborhood when he goes kaboom."
Donatello "It won't matter what neighborhood you're in. There's enough destructive force in MACC to level this entire city."
Krang "Shredder, bring that robot down here before the turtles find you."
Shredder "Those wretched reptiles will never find me. I've changed my image. Look, while those turtles are searching abandoned warehouses and roach-infested tenements, I'll be luxuriating here."
Krang "And just how are you paying for all this?"
Shredder "I borrowed your alien express card. I never leave the Technodrome without it."
Krang "Ohh!"
Leonardo "MACC must've gone this way."
Michelangelo "It looks like the dude's gone bad."
[They hear shouting and see an ATM machine spewing money as people grab it.]
Michelangelo "Well, maybe not all bad."
Donatello "Hmm, I've got a feeling that MACC is purposely leaving us a trail to follow."
Leonardo "I hope you're right."
[The turtles have changed into their trench coat disguises. Up ahead, they see people running from a burning building.]
Donatello "Something tells me this is the place."
Raphael "You and your nutty hunches."
Leonardo "Let's go, turtles."
Hotel Owner "I'm ruined. That's the last time I rent a room to a bunch of bachelors."
Leonardo "Do you know which way they went?"
Hotel Owner "Need you ask?"
Raphael "They left a trail of burn marks."
Leonardo "And it leads to the basement."
Donatello "Makes sense. Shredder is always sinking to new depths. A transport module."
Leonardo "And it's getting away."
Raphael "But they left a spare."
Michelangelo "Now we can follow them."
[Foot soldiers rise up from hiding and begin firing on the turtles.]
Turtles "Yeow! Yeow!"
Leonardo "We've got to get past those Foot soldiers first."
Michelangelo "Allow me, guys. Hey, dudes. Don't forget your luggage."
Leonardo "Quick. Everyone inside."
Raphael "You sure you can drive one of these things?"
Donatello "How tough can it be? Bebop and Rocksteady do it all the time."
Turtles "Hey! Aah! Ohh!"
Krang "Here's the plan. When the time portal opens, you will lead an army of your fellow robots back into this dimension."
MACC "Yes, Master."
Krang "Ooh, I love the sound of that word. Soon I will have an army of eager robots at my command."
Shredder "But the energy drain will destroy that one."
Krang "Good. Then we'll no longer have to listen to his atrocious cowboy dialect."
Shredder "What's that?"
Krang "Incoming transport module."
Shredder "It's carrying the turtles."
Krang "Coming to rescue their robot friend, no doubt. We should make our uninvited guests feel welcome. Foot soldiers, front and center on the double."
Leonardo "I wonder where everyone is."
Michelangelo "They could have at least left the light on for us."
Rocksteady "Ooh. Surprise."
Michelangelo "Oops. Pretty bizarro place, huh, dudes?"
Raphael "Yeah, it's like a cartoonist's nightmare."
Krang "I heard that. Your nightmares have just begun. Soon your robotic friend will return to his dimension and bring back an army of super warriors."
Donatello "You can't do that to MACC."
Krang "Can't I? Just watch."
[There’s a sudden electric sizzle and MACC frees himself.]
MACC "Don't fret, partners. We've got the drop on these varmints."
Donatello "He's free of Krang's control."
[MACC blasts his lasers, which bounce from the ceiling and floor before hitting the chains that bind the turtles, freeing them.]
Michelangelo "Fabuloso."
Turtles "Yeah! Yeah!"
Donatello "Ahh, we did it."
Shredder "Those blasted turtles. They're loose."
Krang "Well, don't just stand there, you bug brains, get them."
[MACC blasts a hole in the floor. Shredder and his mutants fall through.]
ALL "All right, MACC!"
Raphael "Way to go, buddy!"
Michelangelo "Hey, thanks, dude."
MACC "No problemo, dude."
Krang "Where are my Rock soldiers? Attack. Why--you can't do this to me!"
Donatello "MACC, behind you! The time portal-- it's open."
Michelangelo "MACC, you better boogie."
MACC "I don't want to go back. Too much war and violence."
Michelangelo "Listen up, amigo. If you don't go, you're gonna blow."
Donatello "Hey, you can be a warrior for peace in your own era."
MACC "A warrior for peace. I like it. Adios, partners. I'm an old cowhand from the Rio Grande."
Krang "My treasured inventions destroyed."
Raphael "That'll teach you to mess with us."
Michelangelo "Yeah. We're lean, we're green, and we're mean."
[Scene shifts to the lair, where the turtles and Splinter are enjoying a repast.]
Michelangelo "Scarf this one down, dudes. There's more pizza coming right up."
Leonardo "I'm glad MACC got back to his own era."
Donatello "I'm glad he was on our side."
Michelangelo "Yeah, that dude could really sling a mean laser."
Splinter "MACC was a good friend, but he belongs in his own time."
Donatello "Yeah, Splinter's right. He could have done a lot of damage if he'd stayed."
Raphael "Oh, no. The pizza."
[Michelangelo pulls a burnt pizza from the oven.]
Michelangelo "Oh, what a bummer."
Raphael "Who needs MACC to cause damage? We've got Michelangelo."
[End Credits]