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Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

The future of the "Once and Future King" is here! King Arthur Pendragon has returned to rule Britain, and now he's a mutant raven!

Arthur is charismatic and trusting, but not a strong leader on his own. Therefore, he needs the support of his castle to oversee the West Country. With regards to the latter, Arthur is often too trusting—incapable of disseminating when the wool's been pulled over his eyes, and genuinely believes in the best of everyone.

However, because of his charm and generosity, he and Queen Genaever are well-loved by the people of the West Country, and are gaining popularity throughout Briton.

Arthur is nigh-unmatched in single combat, with superior combat skills and the use of the magical sword X-Calibre, which cannot be dulled or broken.


  • Unlike his counterpart from the legends who was conceived after the marriage of his parents, Arthur was conceived after his mother became his father's rape victim.