
A robot disguised as April O'Neil was created by Krang to infiltrate and destroy the Hero Turtles. Shredder and his two mutants kidnap the real April and the android takes her place. April Android then takes the Channel 6 newsvan and locates the Turtles, who are grabbing takeaway pizza. She tells them Shredder has been spotted on the other side of town. They hop into the van with her, and she drives them to a Footbot ambush. When the Turtles successfully destroy the robots, April Android proceeds with Plan Two. She cuts the brake lines on the van and it goes out of control and crashes. The Turtles, thanks to their shells, survive the crash. April Android loses part of her skin, so when she gets out of the wreckage, it's obvious she's not the real April. The Turtles attack, but she proves to be very strong. Just as she is about to smash three of the Turtles, Leonardo cuts her in in half with his katana.

See also[]


  • Despite both the character and the story being called "April Android" a woman-like robot is known as a "Gynoid".