Anton Zeck, better known as Bebop, is a mutant warthog who works for the Foot Clan. A master thief and occasional inventor, he is capable of lifting almost anything from its possessor using his slick skills and advanced technology. Like most Amazing Adventures characters, Bebop is based on his 2012 TV series counterpart.
Zodiac (story arc)[]
Bebop first appeared in the Amazing Adventures comics story arc Zodiac as one of the mutants hypnotized by Tetsumi Onamota to become part of his team of Eastern Zodiac-themed mutants.
Job Security, Part 1[]
After once again failing to neutralize the Turtles, Rocksteady, Bebop, Rahzar and Fishface are chewed out by Shredder who refers to them as dead weight. He threatens to purge himself of them unless the prove their value.
Job Security, Part 2[]
The four minions of the Shredder revel at having managed to capture the Turtles. However, their animosity for one another proves their undoing as the Turtles trick them into fighting with each other.
A Day In The Life[]
Each page represents a day in the life of the featured character, given in snippets of time. Bebop and Rocksteady cruise around the city, with Bebop complaining that he can't think of anything to do.
Robotanimals! issue 3[]
The Turtles and Mutanimals locate Baxter Stockman’s hideout and use the Party Wagon to smash through one of the walls. Baxter unleashes the roboticized version of Bebop, Antrax, Scumbug and other captured mutants who make up the Cybernetic Stockman Squad on them. While the rest of the team fight, Donnie hacks Baxter's computer and reprograms his nano-bot swarm. The nano-bots de-roboticize the Foot Mutants and April, returning everyone to normal.
Epilogue: The Terror of the Kraang[]
Bebop appears only as a Kraang hallucination after they are affected by Jonathan Crane’s Fear Gas.