Mikey: Bishop! No! [gasps.]
[A Triceraton is about to shoot Mikey as well but Splinter saves his son by shooting his blaster with a ninja star.]
Splinter: We heard you might need some assistance.
[Rockwell and Pete arrives]
Leo: Splinter!
Raph: And reinforcements. Yes!
[An incoming car crashed onto a Triceraton. April and Leatherhead had also arrived along with Slash, Muckman and Mondo.]
April: Casey! [runs to hug Casey]
Casey: Red!
Donnie: Guys, um, you do realize we're still in extraordinarily horrendous trouble, right?
April: So what do we do?
Mikey: Kick their Jurassic. Cowabunga!
[They begin to attack the Triceratons while the others start the countdown. Bishop's alien body comes out of the robot body as Mikey fights a triceragon who punches him. The guard slammed Leo and threw him into Bishop's robotic body. Casey used his pucks at the alien but the alien took notice.]
Casey: Maybe I need an upgrade.
April: Casey!
[She grabs a blaster and tries to shoot the Triceraton. She succeeded.]
Casey: Awesome save, Red. Thanks.
[Mondo drives past them.]
Mondo: Cowabunga! It's time for Mondo Gecko to open a can of- [gets hit by Triceraton] Ugh! Oh big feet.
[The Triceratons started stomping on him.]
Muckman: Mondo! Stay away from my pal, you alien freak!
[The Triceratons blast him. Splinter began to knock three Triceratons down.]
Splinter: We must stop the black-hole weapon from being triggered.
Leo: Slash, Leatherhead, take that machine down now.
Leatherhead: You destroy the weapon.
[Slash tried to break it, but now avail.]
Slash: Not even a scratch.
[Rockwell slammed a car into a Triceraton who come behind Slash.]
Rockwell: Great Scott. More are about to beam down.
[Mozar teleports behind Rockwell, grabs him by his head and throws him to the ground, before crushing his helmet.]
Rockwell: No! You vile, extinct [gasps.] Oh, drat.
[A barrier captured Rockwell while more Triceraton throw a cage to Slash, dropping his mace.]
Slash: No! Dino-freaks!
Mozar: This battle is over. You have all lost.
[Leatherhead charged but became trapped in a cage.]
Mikey: Leatherhead!
[Mikey tries to go save him but he gets grabbed by Mozar.]
Mozar: Foolish little one. You are coming with me.
Raph: Mikey!
Splinter: Michelangelo!
Mikey: [screams.]
[Mozar and Mikey disappeared. Casey tries to run but he comes trapped in the cage]
April: Casey!
Raph: No!
[Raph leaped onto April before she could save him.]
April: I'll come back for you!
Leo: We got to go, Sensei.
Splinter: Retreat. Everyone retreat!
[They begin to run away until Donnie sees something.]
Donnie: Huh? This little baby might come in hand- Ow!
[In the Triceraton empire, Mozar holds Mikey captive in the bubble.]
Zorin: Captain Mozar, sir, you have captured an Earth creature.
Mozar: A mutant species of some kind, rare to the planet.
Mikey: I used to think dinosaurs were cool, but not you guys. Why are you doing this, dino-dude? Why can't you just leave Earth alone?
Mozar: Why? Because of the Kraang. We will not let them take this planet. They want it as a hiding place from Dimension X, a back door where we Triceratons cannot detect them. So we will simply destroy your planet and all of the Kraang hiding there.
Mikey: But we don't want the Kraang here either. Can't we all just get along?
Mozar: No. The decision has been made by the Triceraton Emperor. It cannot be changed.
[Mikey breaks free but Zorin restrains him.]
Mikey: Aah! Get off of me dorkasaurus.
Zorin: Should I take him to the brig, sir?
Mozar: No, ready the Psionic Extractor.
[Everyone paused.]
Zorin: [horrified] The Psionic Extractor? But, sir, we only use it on our greatest war criminals. It is too horrible and cruel even for the likes of-
Mozar: Silence! Do as I command.
[Zorin nods as holograms up in the air forms.]
Mikey: Wow. Hehe… That looks like it's really gonna hurt.
Mozar: More than you can possibly imagine, creature.
[The city is in flames as people run away screaming in fear.]
Leo: We got to go back for them, Sensei. We can't just leave them there.
Raph: And what about Mikey? What are they gonna do to him up there in that freaky ship? Probe him?
Spinter: First we must destroy the black-hole machine. That is the priority. If we cannot stop this weapon, the entire world is doomed.
Donnie: Sensei, I think it's gonna take some time for the Triceratons to fix all the damage Slash caused.
Leo: We got to go after Mikey. Even if we stop the generator, we still have to get him back.
Splinter: Go, then. Save your brother. April and I will stop the Triceratons and rescue our friends.
April: Uh, by ourselves? Uh, you're, uh, kidding, right, Sensei?
Splinter: We will ally ourselves with someone even more powerful than the Mighty Mutanimals.
Leo: Who, Sensei?
Splinter: The Shredder.
[Mikey is being strapped in the extraction.]
Mozar:[distorted voice.] Is the Terran ready for psionic extraction?
Mikey: Hold up, dino-dudes. Let's talk about this. For reals, though.
Zorin: This machine will drain all of your knowledge of Earth and the Kraang.
Mozar: And in the process, your psyche will be sliced, diced, chopped, and removed from your puny brain.
Mikey: [whining] I don't have the biggest psycho, but I like what I got.
Mozar: Activate the Extractor!
[The machine activates. Terrified Mikey closes his eyes, as the beam shoots his head. Then he started laughing.]
Mikey: [distorted voice.] Wow, yeah, so cool. Look at that. It's like a triple rainbow, brah. Whoo, yeah! My teeth feel like batteries. [normal voice.] I'm faster than light. [laughing.]
Mozar: Turn it off! Turn it off now!
[They did but the turtle continued laughing, making the Triceratons confused about his strange behaviour.]
Mikey: [gasping for breath] Dude, why did you stop? That was better than, like, a hundred million roller-coaster rides in outer space! Can I do it again? Can I? Please?
Mozar: Shut up. Shut up. SHUT UP! What knowledge did you extract? [removes Mikey]
Zorin: Very little useful information, Captain. The only thought the creature seems to have is for a substance called... pizza.
Mozar: Destroy the pathetic alien.
[The Triceraton throws Mikey back into the machine.]
Mikey: [back to normal] Hold up. I know stuff.
Mozar: You know nothing.
Mikey: I know all the secret bases where the Kraang hide in Dimension X.
[Meanwhile, April and Splinter enter the Shredder's lair. No one is here. But someone came. It was Bebop.]
Bebop: Hey, girl, who do you think opened that door for you?
[Splinter knocks Bebop out.]
Tiger Claw: Bad move, rat. Breaking in here, are you desperate or just fools?
[Splinter and April dodged, Tiger Claw's ice blaster]
April: We're not here to- Whoa! [bumps into Rocksteady]
Rocksteady: Ha! Is Rocksteady late for party time?
Splinter: We have not come to fight you!
Tiger Claw: Foolish move, bringing a cub here.
[Rocksteady grabbed April]
April: Help!
Splinter: April!
Shredder:[Appearing behind Splinter.] Stop! I wish to know why Hamato Yoshi has come here.[Branishing his claw from his gauntlet.] Perhaps to end his miserable existence?
Splinter: Our feud is meaningless in the face of this invasion, Saki. The world will soon be destroyed.[Turning to face Shredder.] Will you sit by and watch? Or will you help us save it?
[Shredder didnt bother answer Splinter's question, instead had him on blade point.]
Shredder: What have you done with Karai?
Splinter:[Look with sadness.] We searched for her, but she is gone. Alive, but vanished from the city.
Shredder:[Angerily branishing his other claw.] You lie!
April: He's telling the truth, Shredder. Karai's still out there somewhere. And if the Earth blows up, guess what? You'll never see her again. So maybe you can do the right thing for once in your evil life, even be a hero for a change, that is, if you still love Karai.
[Shredder looks at Splinter with a stern look. thinking he should trust them.]
[Meanwhile, Leo, Donnie and Mikey find the scout ship.]
Leo: There's Mikey's ship. Told you I saw it come down this way.
Donnie: Wow. Not a bad park job either.
[A couple ran out of the car, screaming at the fright of them. It also startled the turtles, too]
Human: More aliens! Run!
Raph: [annoyed] Ugh, humans are so annoying sometimes.
[They enter inside]
Donnie: The Mothership is approximately roughly half the distance from the Earth to the moon.
Leo: All right, I think I'm getting the hang of this.
[Leo tried to control the ship but it started spinning around. finally they managed to get it and set off in space.]
Raph: Turtles were definitely not meant to go to space. [vomits]
Donnie: Hold on. Let me turn on the artificial gravity.
[He turns it off. The turtles landed on their face and then got back up.]
Leo: Guys, I see it. The Mothership.
Raph: Okay, but where's Mikey?
Donnie: I'm detecting a unique life signature coming from the closest craft. It's got to be him. And check it out. I think I finally figured out the cloak on this baby. They'll never find us now.
[They use the cloaking device]
Mozar: Idiots! They think they can hide from us. Tragic mistake.
Mikey: Ha! My brothers are gonna come rescue me and kick your dino-butt back to the Stone Age. That's right- straight back to the 1960s.
Mozar: We shall see. Commander Zorin, deploy a squadron of fighters. Sergeant Zark, activate the Plasma Cannon.
[The fleet ships start to come after them.]
Donnie: Okay. Um, this is disturbing.
Raph: Ugh, don't make me throw up again.
Donnie: I think the Triceratons are locking on to us with their weapons. Floor it, Leo.
Leo: Go, go, go, go!
[They begin to dodge the fleed]
Leo: How can they see us, Donnie?
Donnie: Let me text them and find out. I HAVE NO IDEA!
Leo: Raph, man the defenses.
Raph: I'm on it.
[They start to fire lasers at the fleet. Raph charges, yelling and starts punching a fleet ship until it sparks off and explodes the Raptor. Everyone cheered but more Raptors started to fire.]
Raph: Look out, Leo! Left, left!
Leo: Would you let me drive?!
Donnie: We're not gonna make it. There's just too many of 'em, Captain.
[The other raptors fled as the mothership beam started to shoot at them with its cannon. The other turtles scream and Donnie wraps his brothers and presses the button. They hold on to each other tightly, shutting their eyes as the device teleports them inside the mother shop. The laser struck the stealth ship and explode. Inside the mothership, the turtles have appeared. They soon later open them.]
Leo: We're alive!
Raph: You snagged a teleporter? [lets go of the cuddling group] You mean we could've just beamed here?
Donnie: There's only one charge, and I- Oh, man, we're in trouble.
[The Triceratons surround them. Mozar raised Mikey by the arms, dangling in the air.]
Mikey: Guys, that was awesome. Thanks for the sweet rescue. So who's gonna rescue us next April, Casey?
[Meanwhile, Bebop appears on the water tower while a Triceraton soldeir took notice.]
Triceraton: Halt!
[Bebop tried to distract him wtih dance movies and tried to do a back flip but slips. Rocksteady knocked a Triceraton down while Shredder punched the Triceradon down. He fell right into a truck. Shredder appears and started punching th Triceraton down.]
Splinter: We must remain stealthy.
April: Um, whatever we do, we better do it fast.
[Meanwhile the Triceraton scientist fixed the timer.]
Triceraton: The timer is repaired. This planet has mere nextons to live.
Tiger Claw: We must not waste time, Master. We must- Oh, no.
[More Triceratons seemed to have arrived.]
[The turtles are brought to their knees.]
Donnie: Captain Mozar, please. Don't destroy the Earth. Our world has so much potential.
Mozar: The humans of your world are as thoughtless as the Kraang. They pollute the planet, erode its ozone willingly, and they don't even need mutagen to do it. Escort them to the airlock and be done with them.
[The Triceratons grab Mikey and Raph.]
Leo: You can destroy us, Mozar. That's okay.
Mikey: It is?
Leo: But I'm asking you one last time before I take this whole ship down.. Let the Earth survive or be destroyed.
Mozar: Empty threats.
[A Triceragon grabbed Leo but he dodged and then grabs one]
Mozar: What's this? NO, STOP!
[Leo activates the teleporter and threw it into the window. It created a circle in the window, causing the Triceratons to get sucked out of space, including the turtles. Mozar grabbed Mikey but Raph used his grappling hook to save him.]
Mikey: Guys, check it out! Booyaka-
[They teleport back to earth and crash onto the ground.]
MIkey: Sha!
[They recover and see the others fighting the Triceratons.]
Bebop: I said let me go! I'm okay.
Slash: April!
Casey: Red! I knew you wouldn't leave us behind.
April: I'll get you guys out in no time. Come on.
[April breaks the device and releases Casey]
Casey: Yes! Thanks, April, you rule.
April: I'm getting the rest of you out.
Rockwell: No, there's no time.
Slash: Just go, April.
[Another Triceraton fired but Tiger Claw froze it and him.]
Tiger Claw: [to the teens] Quickly, run!
[Splinter and Shredder are both fighting alongside the Triceratons.]
Splinter: Hurry, Saki! We have no time!
[Splinter rushed to the timer to stop it. Right before Splinter can stop the timer, before the countdown ends, tragedy strikes. Shredder, seizing his chance to end his personal war with Splinter once and for all, murders Splinter in cold blood by impaling the old rat with his claws, much to the shock and horror of the turtles, April and Casey. After Splinter falls to the ground, gravely wounded as Shredder stands over him triumphant, the turtles scream out in despair at the death of their beloved adopted father.]
Turtles: [horrified] No!
[They rush him. April and Casey are horrified by witnessing the death of Splinter. April, out of malicious spite, sheer anger and pure grief, lets out a moan, clutches her head, then she yells furiously, unleashing yellow burst wave energy as she uses it to knock Shredder away from her dying mentor, also knocking the villain's helmet off. It was already too late. Countdown ends and tragedy strikes, Splinter has suffered from wounds. When Splinter has succumbed to his fatal strike, he closes his eyes and dies, completely. After the death of an old, wise rat, the black hole started to appear and started sucking everything.]
Bebop: [terrified] We're all doomed!
Rocksteady: Hold me close, comrade.
[They both hug one last time, before getting sucked into the void, followed by Rahzar and Fishface. Tiger Claw and unmasked Shredder, witnessed the death of their mutant comrades. The tiger looked at Shredder and called out angrily.]
Tiger Claw: [angrily] Shredder, what have you done?!
Shredder: Hamato Yoshi is finished. The Earth can be destroyed, for all I care. I have finally won!
[The turtles, April and Casey run up to Splinter's corpse. The gang mourn for their beloved mentor's lifeless body, emotionally shattered, saddened and heartbroken, with Mikey melancholically hugging his deceased father, while breaking down crying in despair. The entire world is starting to get sucked into the void as many humans, animals, vehicles, buildings, structures and objects, along with Splinter's inert body, Shredder, Tiger Claw, Bishop and the Mighty Mutanimals, are slowly being pulled into the sky to be swallowed by the black hole. All of a sudden, a spaceship appeared and the doors opened revealing a white figure.]
Professor Zayton Honeycutt/Fugitoid: Hurry! We haven't much time.
Donnie: Can we trust him?
April: Do we have a choice?
[With no other choice, the Turtles, April, and Casey climb aboard, and the spaceship quickly departs as before all of New York City and all of the surrounding land and water is torn from the planet surface sucked into the black hole.]
Mozar: Long live the Triceraton Empire!
Triceratons: Long live the Triceraton Empire!
[Triceratons disappear as we cut to the Fugitoid's ship.]
Fugitoid: Everyone, hold on.
[With the Earth starting to break apart, the space ship started to go sonic speed. The others hold on tightly, with the spaceship barely escaping the black hole's gravitational pull before where the Earth once was, there is now nothing but a cosmos of stardust and silence.]
April: Did that just happen?
Leo: The Earth, Splinter, everyone, everything.
Donnie: Gone lost forever in an infinite gravitational singularity.
Mikey: [sadly] Holy pepperoni.
Fugitoid: Watching your entire world vanish into the quantum singularity of a black hole is rather distressing. Bloop, bleep. Can I offer you some hot cocoa?
Mikey: Dude, who are you?
Fugitoid: My name is Professor Zayton Honeycutt, and you, my friends, are about to embark on a wondrous adventure.
Casey: This is awesome!
[The Ulixes fly away into space as the episode ends.]