[We last left off during the last episode where Zog fell to his death with his last words. "Long live the Triceraton Empire." We cut to the screet where the shellraiser drives.]
Casey: Whoa, that Triceraton sounds so cool. I wish I could have fought a real life dino dude.
Raph: Yeah, right. That dino dude would have stomped you into a Casey puddle about five seconds. flat.
Casey: Whatever, Raph. Casey Jones eats dinosaur meat for breakfast.
April: Ugh. I'm just amazed there are more aliens out there in the universe other than Kraang.
Donnie: I hate to break up the conversation, guys, but someone's been following us for the last five blocks or so.
April: Weird. I don't sense anyone at all.
Donnie: See for yourself.
[The computer screen shows a rich black car, where the driver is revealed to be a Norman Kraang, wearing sunglasses.]
Casey: It's a Kraang.
Donnie: Stay with him, Leo.
[They start to follow him but when they arrive, he is gone. They exit out.]
Leo: He's gone.
[April sees something on the wall.]
April: Check it out. Turtles 3117 Bayfront Street Midnight,
Mikey: What's that supposed to be-his logo?
Leo: It's a chess piece. A bishop.
[Theme song.]
Raph: For the record, I still think this is a terrible idea, Leo. It's got to be a trap.
Leo: Something's up. And I'm gonna find out what.
Mikey: Dudes, this is the same meat warehouse where we fought Tiger Claw! Come on, I know a back entrance.
[They head to the meat warehouse and sneak past. Leo quietly gave them the signal as the kraang droid entered the room. Casey began to take charge.]
Leo: Casey, stop!
[The kraang dodged, grabbed Casey's stick and pulled him to hit the meat slice. Casey released his weapon and stumble to the floor.]
Bishop: Do not do this.
all: Hyah!
[Leo and April help Casey up while Raph, Donnie and Mikey charged at the droid. The droid knocked Donnie and Raph and hit Mikey with a hockey stick.]
Leo: Mikey!
Bishop: I am not here to fight you.
Leo: Too late for that.
[Leo begins to attack but the Kraang dodges the turtle's attacks until it grabbed both of Leo's swords]
Leo: That's impossible.
[He gets kicked back. Everyone enters as Leo gets up.]
Bishop:[Spinning Leo's katanas.] Turtles, refrain from attacking. Believe me when I say, I am not your enemy.[Handing Leo back his swords.]
[They begin to understand that this alien was not a Kraang. Leo grab his sword back and sheathe it back in.]
Bishop; You can call me by my Earth name Bishop.
Casey:[Pointing at Bishop.] But you look just like a Kraang.
Bishop: I was the one who created this body. The other Kraang copied me.[Unbuttoning his shirt and revealing himself as an Utrom.] I am a member of the Utrom tribe, a small group of Kraang defectors. We broke away from the Kraang Hive Mind many centuries ago.
Donnie: Fascinating. It makes sense the Kraang share a hive mind. A really stupid hive mind.
Bishop:[Buttoning his shirt.] I have broken my Utrom vow not to intervene in earthly matters, but I must warn you, the Triceratons are coming.
Leo: The Triceratons? As in plural? But we stopped the beacon.
Bishop: No. They are coming, and they are carrying enough firepower to destroy the entire solar system.
Mikey: [gulps worriedly.] Can you repeat that last part?
Bishop: The news gets worse. The Kraang have finally fixed the Technodrome and are about to invade once more.
Raph: You have any more terrible news, Bishop, or is that it?
Bishop: If the Triceratons arrive when the Technodrome rises, they will hone in on this planet and vaporize it.
Raph: Sorry I asked.
April: Bishop, why do the Triceratons hate the Kraang?
Bishop: For millennia, the two species have fought over Dimension X. The Kraang use their intelligence to battle their foe, while the Triceratons relied on brute strength and cunning. It seemed the Triceratons would win, but the Kraang used the most powerful weapon in the universe a black-hole generator that wiped out the Triceraton's entire planet. Only a single Triceraton fleet survived. They vowed vengeance. The battle may have ended, but the war has not. It still rages across Dimension X. Now, shall we begin?
[Back in the lair, Slash and Rockwell recover from the injuries sustained at the hands of Zog from the last episode. Leatherhead is waiting for them to wake up.]
Splinter: They are still asleep. Do not worry, Leatherhead. They will heal in time, but they need rest.
Leatherhead: Thank you, great Splinter, for caring for my friends.
[The turtles and humans arrive with Bishop.]
Mikey: We're back, everyone, and we brought a new pal.
Leatherhead: Kra- Kra- KRAANG!
[Upon seeing the "Kraang," he charges at Bishop while the others scream]
April: No, wait!
Bishop: I do not want to fight you, creature.
[Leatherhead tries to attack Bishop but the alien tossed him down. The turtles restrain him as Mikey tried to comfort him.]
Mikey: Leatherhead, calm down, dude! It's okay. This is Bishop. He's a good Kraang, an "Oolong."
Donnie: "Utrom." He's not like the others.
Leatherhead: I do not trust him.
Mikey: Well, you got to trust him for now, LH. He's totally cool. He's gonna help us fight the Kraang.
[Later in the lab]
Leo: All right, here's the plan Raph, Donnie, Mikey, and Leatherhead, you take the sub. Infiltrate and stop the Technodrome before it launches, and if it does launch, the rest of us will take it out in the Turtle Blimp.
Splinter: The Technodrome? Leonardo, what is going on here?
Leo: You just have to trust me when I say the whole world is at stake, and only we can save it.
Splinter: Go, then. I will help Slash and Rockwell. If you need me, I will stay close to the cheese phone.
[Deep below in the water.]
Subprime: Finally! After two Earth years of repairs, miscalculations, and general mess-ups, the Technodrome's ready to fly again. Voila!
[The Technodrome begins to activate but shut downs. ]
Kraang Prime: What is that which is known as the problem, Kraang Subprime?
Subprime: Oh, uh, just a sec, oh, bloated one. Just got to give her some more juice.
[Leo, Bishop, April and Casey watched as the submarine sinks into the water.]
Leo: All right, let's hope Raph's team can take down the 'Drome.
Bishop: And if they cannot, we must destroy it at any cost.
[Deep below, the sub arrives and the turtles and Leatherhead get inside the Technodrome.]
Subprime: Kraang Subprime will get this baby started in two shakes of a tentacle. [goes back to the console and laughs.]
[He starts the machine again. Prime laughs as the ship moves and rises to the surface.]
Subprime: Yes! I did it! I rule!
Both: The Technodrome rises!
[The Technodrome starts to lift in the air and rise out of the ocean.]
Casey: That is so awesome... And terrifying!
Leo: Raph, you guys have two minutes to blow that thing before we do.
Raph: Back off, man. We're headed to the core now.
[The turtles and Leatherhead are in the Technodrome.]
Raph: Heads up, guys.
[Mikey steps on an alarm beam. Probes begin to activate and the turtles attack them. Mikey gets himself eletricutes but Raph stabbed it. Leatherhead heads to his aid and helps him up while Raph stabs the alarm.]
Raph: Finally, I can hear myself think.
Donnie: Where to, Leatherhead?
Leatherhead: This way.
[They continue on fighting the probes and now facing the biotroids.]
Mikey: This way! This way!
[They turn only to come face to face with the two headed Dracodroid.]
Mikey: Okay, that way! That way!
[They turned again and they were surrounded by the Kraang.]
Kraang: Turtle and alligator mutants, you will raise that which is known as forelimbs.
Leatherhead: No retreat, no surrender.
[He roars but gets electrocuted. He collapses as the turtles lift up his head.]
Raph: Now, this is definitely bad.
Kraang: Kraang Subprime, that which is known as a balloon is heading for that which is known as-
Supprime: [annoyed] Oh, just spit it out already.
Kraang: Okay. Look.
Subprime: You got to be Kraanging me!
[The blimp explodes on the Technodrome. Meanwhile, the others had used the gliders.]
Casey: I told you it wouldn't be big enough to bring down the ship. Casey Jones knows explosives.
Leo: Wasn't the point, Casey. We just need a way in.
[They enter inside avoiding lasers and defeating the krang.]
April: Where to, Bishop?
Bishop: This way..
[They head over. The kraang began to bring in the prisoners to the cat walk in the main console.]
Subprime: Well, if it isn't the Turtles and that stupid alligator thing that shouts "Kraang" all the time.
Kraang Prime: Welcome, Earth creatures. You are about to enjoy that which is known as the invasion of Earth.
[They laugh as Leo and the otehrs arrive up on the ceiling. Suddenly, the alarm starts to go off.]
both: Huh?
Subprime: [irritated] What now? Seriously?
[They looked and saw a Triceraton fleet.]
Kraang Prime: [shocked] The... the Triceratons?
Subprime: [dismayed] Not the Triceratons! Not here! Not now!
[The Triceraton Mother Ship arrives on Earth as the screen shows the Triceraton with metallic teeth, white eye and scarred,, leader and commander of the Triceratons.]
Mozar: Greetings, sub-life-forms of Earth. I am Captain Mozar of the Triceraton Empire. Let it be known, your planet is infested with Kraang, an insidious alien bent on mutating Earth into their own home world. We Triceratons will eliminate these hideous aliens, freeing you of their vile plans. Unfortunately, your Earth will be annihilated as well. That is all. And, please, have a nice day.
[Cut back to the Technodrome.]
Donnie: [shocked] Holy chalupa! It's actually happening. Double invasion.
Casey: Goongala!
[The humans and Leo began to charge and knocked down the alilens off the catwalk. Leatherhead began to charge at Prime while Bishop pinned Subprime down.]
Subprime: Get off my robo-back! Bishop? You filthy, swindling Kraang!
Bishop: I am an Utrom, just as you once were, brother. Or shall I call you Sub-Subprime?
Subprime: Don't call me that. You know I hate that!
Bishop: Hurry, my friends, get to the hangar.
Leo: Thanks, Bishop. Let's go
Donnie:. Move it, guys.
[They begin to leave and into the scout ship section.]
Leo: It's too late to blow this thing. Pair up and grab a ship.
[They went into separate scout ships. Donnie and April picked one while Mikey and Casey went to the other. Leo and Raph went to the third ship.]
Raph: Dibs- [gets pushed by Leo]
Leo: I'm driving!
Mikey: I want to drive!
[The three ships started to leave the Technodrome and to the Triceraton fleet.]
Leo: They're not just targeting the Technodrome. They're heading for the city.
Raph: Then push this thing faster, Leo!
[They begin to head to the Raptors as the ships start to swoop down. They began to fire as the two kraang ships dodged the lasers.]
April: Over there. That way! Now, 9:00.
[Donnie steers the ship away from the lasers.]
Donnie: We make a pretty good team, even though the odds of us surviving this are 967-to-1.
Mikey: Whoo-hoo! Yeah, dog! And Sensei says video games are useless. How else could I learn to do this?
[He began to use the lasers to defeat the Triceraton fleets.]
Casey: This is the coolest thing ever!
[One Technodrome managed to knock one down. Meanwhile, Leatherhead rode Bishop in the ocean.]
Raph: They made it, but the Technodrome's still flying.
Leo: Not for long it's not. Look!
[ The Raptors are also shooting the Technodrome. April and Donnie are being chased by two raptors circling around the statue of liberty. One of the lasers shot April and Donnie's stealth ship.]
Donnie: We've been hit! We're going down. Grab onto something!
[They grab hold as the scout ship begins to crash into Coney island. Leatherhead and Bishop arrive.]
Leatherhead: My friends, are you okay?
April: I've always hated roller coasters.
[In the main Triceraton ship.]
Zark: Captain Mozar, we have the Technodrome on target.
Mozar: Excellent. Destroy it. And unleash the Heart of Darkness upon the city. We will make sure the Kraang never take this world again by annihilating it.
[The two remaining kraang ships watched as the triceratons retreated].
Casey: Mikey, look.
Mikey: They're leaving! Yes! [gasps.] Uh-oh.
[Above, the doors open up to reveal a massive laser. Red rings light up the ship as the cannon prepared to fire.]
Subprime: [last words] The Triceratons are powering up! We're toast! Toast!
[The Triceratons used their devastator to destroy Technodrome, thus killing Kraang Prime and Kraang Subprime. The death of two kraangs and the destruction of the Technodrome also caused two ships to fall. Raph and Leo's ship splashed into the water.]
Leo: Did we ...make it?
Raph: I think so. At least the Technodrome's down. Maybe the battle's finally over.
[Later outside, they climb out and watch the Technodrome sink.]
Mikey: Dude! Dude! There's a ship holding some kind of energy string. It's carrying some kind of giant thingy.
Leo: You're not making any sense, Mikey.
[They look up and see a black hole generator being held by the Raptors.]
Casey: It looks like a weapon. Ah, crud, guys, I think they're heading for Washington Square.
Mikey: I got this, chief. Oh, yeah! Turtle spaceship power!
[The stealth ship started after it but a barrier knocked them down.]
Casey: They have force field awesomeness!
Mikey: Mayday! Mayday! We're going down, dawg!
[Their Technodrome crashes between two buildings.]
Leo: April. I need you and Leatherhead to get Splinter and the rest of the Mutanimals. Gather as many of our friends as you can. I'll text everyone a place to meet up, cool?
Raph: What's the deal, Leo?
Leo: The deal is, we're gonna need all the help we can get.
[.Later that night, the Triceratons arrived at Washington Square along with the portal. They started to get to work to activate it. Leo and Bishop watch from their hiding place.]
Bishop: Those Triceratons are scientists. Their job is to program the black-hole generator.
Donnie: Oh, right. Those are the soldiers.
Leo: Okay, we're gonna need the rest of the guys here fast.
Casey: Are we enough for ya?
Donnie: Oh, no, look!
Triceraton: For the Triceraton Empire.
[The weapon released purple wave started to shut down the entire city.]
Donnie: They're draining the city's energy supply to power up the weapon.
Mikey: You mean no TV? That ain't right!
Leo: All right, team, this could be our last battle. Are you ready?
[They begin to sneak past the Triceratons until MIkey steps on one of its tails.]
Triceraton: Earth creatures! Attack!
[They begin to attack, shooting their guns.]
Bishop: Take out their weapons.
[Everyone destroyed their blasters. Casey kicks puck bombs at one Triceraton but he gets hit and knocks into Raph. Leo tries to help them but one knocks him back. One Triceraton was shot by Bishop, but then Triceraton shot Bishop's body repeatedly.]
Mikey: Bishop! No! [Gasps.]
[Triceraton is about to shoot Mikey as well]