Anamika Khatri is the owner and operator of Khatri's Foodmart. She appears in the Tales of the TMNT.
Michelangelo and Genghis Frog head out in a storm to get groceries because Genghis has eaten everything in the Lair. As they walk to Khatri's Foodmart, Mikey explains that Ms. Khatri is super friendly and gives them food, instead of them "borrowing" stuff like they used to. He also shows off the reusable tote bags that Ms. Khatri gave them for free. The tote bag has a picture of her cat, Mr. Whiskers, on it.
When they enter the store, Mikey goes to the counter to greet Ms. Khatri. Standing next to her is the Purple Dragons member called Angel. Ms. Khatri clearly appears frightened, but the looks Angel is shooting her direction are menacing, so the woman merely asks if Mikey is there for groceries. When Mikey and Genghis go to begin their shopping, Ms. Khatri looks dejected. After filling his bag with groceries, Mikey heads up front again where he realizes the Purple Dragons are robbing the place. Ms. Khatri says "finally", glad that he figured it out. Angel demands that Mikey and Genghis put down their weapons and let the Purple Dragons leave with their haul, or the old lady gets it. She grabs Ms. Khatri and hauls her up on top of the counter before pointing a knife at her face.
A fight breaks out between the mutants and the Dragons. Angel throws Ms. Khatri to the floor in order to join the battle, and one of the shoppers, an elderly man named Harold, rushes to her side. The building begins to shake and a hole opens in the floor underneath Ms. Khatri. She falls and Mikey leaps after her, managing to grab her arm before she hits the water below, where a large creature is swimming. Harold reaches down and grabs Ms. Khatri's hand to help her up. They stare into each other's eyes, addressing each other by first names. It is clear they have been hiding feelings of affection. The store starts to flood and everyone climbs to the top of the shelves.
Ms. Khatri and Harold huddle together atop the shelves as Lee the Eel menaces the store. Mikey battles the eel and finally one of the Purple Dragons has had enough and tries to reach the exit, but Lee blocks her way. Cane jumps from one shelving unit to another and then grabs onto an overhead fluorescent light. She's too heavy though, and the light fixture breaks away, swinging down to hit Ms. Khatri. She is knocked off of her perch, but Harold catches her hand before she hits the electrified water. Once more the pair call each other's names and Mikey finally figures out they have some kind of unspoken love story going.
Mikey finally uses a maneuver that causes Lee to become entangled in the overhead wires. Mikey then falls into the water with Mr. Whiskers. Ms. Khatri and Harold also fall into the water but because the eel is dangling overhead, the water is no longer electrified. Mikey gets the front door open and the water begins spilling out of the store. Ms. Khatri and Harold thank Mikey for saving them and for giving them a second chance at life - and love. The two hold each other as they walk away from the store.