

Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

Ambush at Area 51! part 3 is the first story in Mutant Nation #3.


It’s all hands on deck for the E.P.F. as Metalhead infiltrates the central data center and sets his sights on a new target: Madame Null! Meanwhile, Raphael fights to free Mondo, Seymour, and Pigeon Pete. But how did they come to be captives in the first place? Area 51 holds infinite secrets…and when Director Braunze is briefed on the security breach, his command decision will introduce a new player who’s poised to deliver a striking blow to the invaders.

Escape isn’t looking easy in Part III of Tom Waltz and Vincenzo Federici’s “Attack on Area 51”!

Appearing in Ambush at Area 51! part 3[]

Major characters[]

Minor characters[]



Objects & vehicles[]

  • Auto Defense Bots
  • Sai


In Area 51, Groom Lake, Nevada, Raphael reviews his recent history. First, he breaks into one of the most protected places in the whole world. All because Metalhead kidnapped Pepperoni, the most important thing in his whole damn world. Following this, he beat up a bunch of E.P.F. soldiers and then busted up some of their super-secret war toys. Then he found out that Pepperoni isn’t the only one needing to be rescued from a freaky robot. In an air shaft above Dr. Yuhasz’s lab, Raph looks down to see the prison cells holding several of his mutant friends. Raph amends his initial impression that the thing is a robot as he surveys the human head on the robot body.

Dr. Yuhasz tells his mutant captives that he knew one of them would attempt an escape from this place, but never for one to have the audacity to break into Area 51. It is not a contingency he’s ever planned for. Mondo Gecko tells him that he sounds scared. Dr. Yuhasz disagrees, saying that infiltrating the outer gates is one thing, but accessing the heart of the base will never happen. He is surprised when Raphael replies that he hates to break it to him, but like his father always says, never say never. Yuhasz turns and sees Raphael standing in his lab. Mondo calls out to the doctor that he is totally screwed.

As Metalhead strolls through the rows of computer banks, he finds it surprising that the sensitive equipment is wholly unprotected. He wonders if the EPF believes the subterranean chamber is impenetrable. If so, he says, that would be a fatal flaw in their security protocol and asks if the trapped Pepperoni agrees. Cables shoot from Metalhead’s body and into the mainframe hub. Director Braunze is immediately apprised of the breach and upon learning where it occurred, demands to see a visual. He sees Metalhead on the screen and tells his people that they’ve got a potential data theft happening in Hangar 18. He orders the robot’s access eliminated and calls for them to initiate redundancy protocols, to get the data backed up and the servers shut down. He tells Captain Hendrix to handle the cleanup and once the tech folks give them the green light to release the A.D.B.s. In the meantime, Braunze would really like for somebody to give him a sitrep for Hangar 13.

In that Hangar, Raph is facing of with Yuhasz. He tells the doctor to let his friends out of the cages now. Mondo calls out for Raph to be careful, because the doc’s a gnarly dude. Yuhasz agrees he is not someone to be underestimated just before striking Raph hard enough to knock him backwards. Raph responds by tossing down a smoke bomb and using the smoke to hide him as he climbs atop Mondo’s cell. He asks the mutant how to get them out and Mondo indicates where he thinks the release button is. Before Raph can do anything, Yuhasz activates the internal air vacuum system, which sucks all of the smoke out of the room. When Yuhasz locates the Turtle, he slams him into the wall and knocks him out.

Captain Hendrix reports that Dr. Yuhasz has in custody the mutant that attacked Hangar 13. This surprises Braunze because Yuhasz is the last person he expected to get good news from today. He turns to the tech team in the hopes of continuing their winning streak. They report that the data in Hangar 18 has been backed up and the servers disabled. Braunze asks if Hendrix heard that and she tells him she is initiating swarm protocol now. Metalhead notices that the data stream has been interrupted, realizing that the EPF is aware of his presence. He removes his cables when he sees the Auto Defense Bots beginning to swarm into the room. The robots open fire on him and he returns fire. As he destroys one after the other, he comments that they are primitive but effective, especially in significant numbers. Metalhead continues his soliloquy, saying that he is only one, but he is not primitive nor ineffective. He demonstrates by using his lasers to annihilate nearly all the A.D.B.s.

When Hendrix reports this to Braunze, he curses and tells her to switch to the inferno protocol. She begins to argue that will destroy the entire… he interrupts to order her to do it now. Metalhead notices two metal pipes lowering from the ceiling and wonders if it’s a new defensive strategy. The pipes release blasts of flame that fill the room.

In Hangar 13, Raph slowly begins to come to and hears Pigeon Pete tell someone he’s waking up. Raph finds himself locked in a cell with Pete. Yuhasz is pleased Raph is awake because he was beginning to worry that the Turtle’s head wasn’t as thick as his shell. He apologizes for having the make Raph share a chamber, but if he’d known he’d have a surprise guest, he would have asked Braunze for another. He introduces himself as Dr. Yuhasz, Raph’s humble host. Raph says he doesn’t see how taking prisoners and smashing heads makes him a host – or a doctor for that matter. Yuhasz assures him he’s most definitely a doctor. He adds that holding Raph in this fashion is just as much for his safety as for Yuhasz’s. Raph tells him that he’s not the worst thing Yuhasz has to worry about today. The doctor says he assumes Raph is talking about his fellow insurgent. He was just speaking to Director Braunze about that while Raph was unconscious. The director assured him that problem was being solved in a most fiery fashion. Raphael’s eyes widen when he realizes that means Pepperoni is in serious danger.

See also[]
