Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids. |
Ambush at Area 51! part 2 is the first story in Mutant Nation #2.
Assist an old enemy in breaking into a highly restricted, heavily guarded, famously classified government facility? It's not exactly the freewheeling road trip Raphael had in mind, but with Pepperoni's life in the balance, he's diving in headfirst. It's the point of no return as Raph and Metalhead breach Area 51! Surrounded by the E.P.F.'s coveted technology, Metalhead's motives come to light. He'll stop at nothing to commandeer the secrets of this dimension! Time is running out for Raph to find Pepperoni and use his strength for good…but a clean plan is off the table when old friends call out for help. Last Ronin co-writer Tom Waltz and artist Vincenzo Federici continue Raphael's desert detour in Part II of "Attack on Area 51"!
Appearing in Ambush at Area 51! part 2[]
Major characters[]
Minor characters[]
- Angel Bridge (flashback only)
- April O'Neil (flashback only)
- Donatello (flashback only)
- Earth Protection Force
- Captain Hendrix (debut)
- Dr. Yuhasz
- Louis Braunze
- Harold Lilja (flashback only)
- Jennika (flashback only)
- Libby Meitner (flashback only)
- Man Ray
- Mondo Gecko
- Pepperoni
- Pete
- Seymour Gutz
- Sheena Murphy (flashback only)
- Humans
- Human-born mutant pig
- Mutant turtle
- Protoceratops
- Arizona
- Peyton's Pub & Grub (flashback only)
- Nevada
- Groom Lake
- New York City (flashback only)
Objects & vehicles[]
- Raphael's motorcycle
- Sai
At Area 51 in Groom Lake, Nevada, Raphael does battle with soldiers of the Earth Protection Force. He gets past the first group of soldiers and enters an aircraft hangar, where he is confronted by even more armed soldiers. While he fights, Raph thinks about how this is the last place he wants to be. He was supposed to be in Las Vegas, but now he's in a place with plenty of sin, but no fun. After tossing an egg shell bomb, Raph leaps into the drivers’ seat of a flatbed service truck. As he crashes it through the nearest wall, Raph blames his predicament on his brother Donnie’s stupid robot, Metalhead.
Flashback to Harold Lilja’s lab as Raph explains the “tin-can” has been glitchy from the start. Donatello, Harold, April and Angel all study Metalhead, which was supposed to be a security bot. Right after it powered up, it went into full berserk mode. Fortunately, Angel, in her Nobody persona, was able to defeat the rampaging robot. That should have been the end of things, but Donnie couldn’t help but tinker with the robot. He tried to make it smarter and nicer. It got too smart, but also bigger and meaner, spending all its time trying to waste his family and friends. Donnie finally took Metalhead out during The Armageddon Game.
Raph figured they were done with the robot, until it suddenly ambushed Pepperoni and him when they were on the road to Las Vegas. It messed up his motorcycle and took Pepperoni captive, all because of an obsession to get inside Area 51. As they stood overlooking the compound, Raph asked how Metalhead found him. He replies that after Donatello left him for dead, the Utroms discarded his body onto their scrap pile. They didn’t realize that his cognitive functions had been restored. He was able to fully refurbish himself and then immediately returned to New York City to seek retribution against Donatello. He discovered that the four Turtle brothers were no longer residing in Mutant Town. He searched the city for information as to Don’s whereabouts and eventually located Jennika at a concert venue. She was with her chosen mate, Sheena. Metalhead overheard their conversation in which Jennika tells Sheena that Raph and Pepperoni are in Kingman, Arizona. This information shifted Metalhead’s priority off of Donatello as he saw a means of exploiting Raph instead.
Metalhead then informed Raph that he would be the means that would allow the robot to reach his desired end. Raph would serve as a diversion to keep the Earth Protection Force’s security personnel occupied. This would grant Metalhead access to the advanced technologies inside. Otherwise, Pepperoni will perish.
Present. Security forces approach the remains of the truck and call out to Raph that he has three seconds to come out with his hands up. There is no movement from the smoky interior of the truck’s cab, so they open fire. After they cease firing, they approach the truck only to learn that Raph is not inside. The security leader orders everyone to fan out and search the hangar and to sound general security alert to command. He says that the mutant has to be there for the other mutants. High up above them, Raph overhears this and reacts in surprise at the mention of other mutants.
In the underground portion of the compound, Captain Hendrix reports to Director Braunze that they received a general security alert from topside. There has been a physical breach of hangar 13. It was a single perpetrator – a mutant. Braunze reacts immediately, ordering more security forces sent to hangar 13, topside and underground. He then says to get him a visual on the big board. As he looks at the monitor, Braunze says to get Dr. Yuhasz on the horn now.
High above the site, Metalhead watches the troops scramble and is pleased that the soldiers are concentrating their efforts on hangar 13. Utilizing his feet thrusters, Metalhead flies over the compound and tells Pepperoni that it’s time for them to visit hangar 18. He cuts a hole into the roof and enters the hangar. Metalhead eyes the assorted vehicles and finds them interesting, but it’s not what he’s there for. He approaches an elevator and forces the doors open, then leaps down to a lower floor, where he also forces his way inside. Metalhead looks down upon huge room filled with rows and rows of computer banks, which is what he has been seeking.
The phone on Dr. Yuhasz’s desk rings and he answers. He agrees with Braunze, the caller, and says that a mutant insurgent is quite concerning. He is assured that the security forces are on high alert and that he will remain on high alert as well. Yuhasz adds that if anyone or anything should attempt to liberate their specimens, he will contact Braunze immediately. The full room image shows containers holding several mutants captive, including Mondo Gecko, Man Ray, Seymour Gutz and Pete. Yuhasz has himself been transformed and now has a cybernetic exo-skeleton of his own which resembles a spider.