Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids. |
Ambush at Area 51! part 1 is the first story in Mutant Nation #1.
Appearing in Ambush at Area 51! part 1[]
Major characters[]
Minor characters[]
- April O'Neil (flashback only)
- Casey Jones (flashback only)
- Donatello (flashback only)
- Farrah (debut)
- Janice (debut)
- Jennika (flashback only)
- Leonardo (flashback only)
- Lita (flashback only)
- Lone Wolves (debut)
- Michelangelo (flashback only)
- Old Hob (flashback only)
- Sheena (flashback only)
- Humans
- Mutant turtle
- Protoceratops
Objects & vehicles[]
- Raphael's motorcycle
- Sai
Raphael has gotten a job as a bouncer at a roadhouse called Peyton's Pub & Grub just outside of Kingman, Arizona. As he watches over the crowded establishment, he muses over a theory he has, one that has to do with trouble and how when you find it, you'd better know how to handle it. He takes note of table seven, where two members of the Lone Wolves biker gang are seated. The waitress, Farrah, is being hassled by them. Farrah tries to handle it herself, but one of the gang grabs her arm. The roadhouse owner, Janice calls for Raph's attention, but he tells her that he's already on it. He asks her to keep an eye on Pepperoni and then heads for table seven.
Farrah is happy to see him as Raph approaches, but one of the gang calls Raph a 'mutie' and tells him to mind his own business. Raph informs him the this is his business, as he is tasked with keeping Farrah and everyone else in the place safe from butt-ugly mutts like them. He says that speaking of ugly, that's how things are going to get if they don't leave. Raph points out the exit and tells them to forget about the bill because drinks are on the house. Both of the men challenge Raph to make them leave, and he assures them he was hoping they'd say that.
The fight is a short one as Raph quickly lays out both men. As he looks at the unconscious men, he thinks about his theory and feels that this proved it, making it a successful experiment. Later, after the roadhouse is closed, Janice apologizes for Raph having to deal with those men on his last night there. Raph brushes it off, saying that's what she pays him for. Janice hands him an envelope of cash for his final payday and tells him it was great having him and Pepperoni there during the busy season. As she gives Pepperoni a final pet, she asks where they're headed to next. Raph says they are heading Northwest because there is a place he's been dying to see.
Raph and Pepperoni head for Las Vegas on Raph's motorcycle. As he rides, Raph thinks about how good it feels to be on the road again. It has been almost a year since he and Pepperoni first left New York. They've been on the go except for a quick trip to Northampton during Christmastime. He flashes back to a memory of that trip and how cool it was to hand out with everyone again. Things were going well until Donatello showed up out of nowhere. Though Raph was happy to see him, it was kind of sad and awkward too. Raph couldn't really take seeing him like that, and since he knew Donnie was in good hands, he and Pepperoni left.
It wasn't long after leaving Northampton that Raph took the bouncer's job at the roadhouse. He told himself it was to earn extra cash for the road, but really he just needed an excuse to blow off some of his frustration and guilt. It helped, but Raph still can't get over the fact that Donnie let himself get sucked into all that magic mumbo jumbo. He has another flashback, to a conversation he once had with Old Hob, who shared an analogy about scientists being like a pack of hound dogs. Raph thinks that magic might just be Don's new science obsession. A sign tells him that he's 100 miles outside of Las Vegas and he tells Pepperoni that they're getting close. All they have to worry about is if they want their steak dinner medium rare or well-done.
Suddenly, an energy bolt shoots out of nowhere and blasts the motorcycle, sending Raph and Pepperoni flying. Raph slowly rises and then realizes Pepperoni is nowhere to be seen. He frantically calls out to her and then a familiar voice says that she is with him. Raph recognizes the owner of the voice and threatens to end him. Before he can move, he is blasted and hits the ground. He is told to remain docile because the blast was only 25 percent of the energy he is capable of delivering. Of course, Raph rises and draws his sai, calling the attacker a wimp for hiding behind lasers. The attacker responds that he is only partially correct, because he is not hiding. It is Metalhead, and he has Pepperoni trapped inside his body. Metalhead says that he wishes to talk to Raph.
Raph asks if he isn't supposed to be dead and asks if his idea of talk was to sucker punch him. Metalhead assures him that he was purposely using nonlethal attacks, he just requires Raph's immediate attention and temporary assistance. Sais drawn, Raph says the only assistance he's going to get is the can opener kind. Raph immediately leaps on Metalhead, but the robot grabs him and slams him to the ground. Metalhead states that he factored in Raph's constant stubbornness and uncontrolled rage, and that he would be unwilling to comply. He tells Raph that he could easily destroy him, but that wouldn't serve his purpose. However, he has no qualms about harming Pepperoni and if Raph doesn't cease his resistance, Metalhead will deprive the dinosaur of oxygen.
Raph slowly sits up and asks what Metalhead wants from him. Metalhead answers that he wants Raph to join him in infiltrating Area 51. Thinking back to his theory about trouble, Raph looks at the trapped Pepperoni and realizes that as always, when trouble finds you, you'd better know how to handle it. He asks Metalhead when do they start.