
Amanda is a giant turtle appearing in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Rizzoli) comics.


Having been discovered and captured off the coast of Española just a month earlier, Amanda is on display at the Institute of Zoology in New York City. She is a giant turtle, exceptional in size, and believed to be extinct. April O'Neil reports that the turtle is perhaps a close specimen to the Cheloniidae, the ancient turtles who appeared on Earth before the dinosaurs. Wearing disguises, the Turtles join the crowd of visitors who are eager to get a look at Amanda. Michelangelo refers to her as a great-great-great-grandma. The Turtles can tell that Amanda is suffering because she was used to being in a deep ocean and is now confined to a small space.

Shredder arrives suddenly in a Modulo da trasporto, drilling up through the floor and breaking the aquarium. He kidnaps Amanda before anyone can stop him. A few hours later, Amanda appears on the city streets, but now she is monstrous in size, having been mutated by Shredder. The Turtles arrive on the scene, but as Shredder figured, they are loathe to fight her. His plot to eliminate the Turtles continues as he has Bebop kidnap April and take her to an oil drilling platform. The Turtles arrive to free her and Shredder, riding on Amanda’s back, has her attack them. In order to avoid fighting Amanda, the Turtles begin a deep dive. Shredder anticipated having to go underwater and is wearing a breather, but he did not reckon on how deep the Turtles might swim. Unable to handle the water pressure, Shredder returns Amanda to normal in order to get free of her and return to the surface. The Turtles then decide to accompany Amanda part of the way back to her home off the coast of Española.

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