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Alfred Pennyworth is the personal servant, butler, and father figure to Bruce Wayne.
The Face of Two Worlds[]
Alfred approaches Bruce Wayne, Batman, in the Batcave asks if he could spare some time for a late-night dinner. Batman tells him not right now. Alfred scolds him, saying he’s shocked after going through the effort to prepare a generous portion of nothing, which will now go to waste. He lifts the lid on an empty tray. Batman smiles. Alfred asks what the conundrum of the evening happens to be. Batman tells him it’s Two-Face. Though he’s back in Arkham, Batman can’t get over the way he was ranting. Then Batman found energy residue at his old cell which is like nothing from this planet. Batman says he programmed the Batcomputer to locate any similar spikes in power. Suddenly the computer starts beeping and Batman leaps to his feet. As he rushes towards the exit, he tells Alfred to call in Robin and have him meet Batman at the coordinates on the screen. Whatever the energy is there’s more of it out there than he realized.