
Akemi is a resident of the world of Usagi Yojimbo and a friend of Miyamoto Usagi in the 2012 TV series. She was later impersonated by the Joroguma in order to entrap Usagi, Kintaro and the Ninja Turtles.


Akemi is a gray cat with black hair tied up in a ponytail and golden eyes. She wears a kind of diadem, beige kimono, and shoulder pads on her shoulders. Her personal weapon in a naginata.


A more detailed background information about Akemi's life and how she has made friends with Miyamoto Usagi are not known. In the series, she was on a mission to escort Kintaro, a child born with divine powers, to the temple palace of a certain religious order. What she could not expect, however, was that the mad killer Jei would chase them for obscure reasons, along with some helpers under the command of the hired mercenary Sumo Kuma.

Sumo Kuma's troops caught up with Akemi, Kintaro and their samurai in a village, and caused a massacre that only Kintaro and Akemi could escape alive. Earlier, Akemi had sent a message to Usagi to meet her in that village. Usagi arrived too late to help them against Sumo Kumas's gang. Usagi meets Akemi in the scorched, abandoned village. She shows him the Holy child, Kintaro, and explains that the boy must be taken to the temple. However, because Akemi's legs were too badly injured to continue the journey, she remains in the village and Usagi took over the task of taking Kintaro to safety.


