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[Leo dunks a basketball on the hoop, as the boys moaned in frustration.]
LEO: "Leon's on fire tonight, boys. Next baskets for the win."
RAPH: "Mikey, D, up. Let's shut his flashy blue face down."
[Leo just laughs, balancing the ball on his finger.]
LEO: "You can't guard me. Double me, I dare you."
MIKEY: "Are you double daring us to double you?"
LEO: "No, I'm double daring you to double me."
RAPH: "You did not just double dare us to double you."
[He and Mikey stand in front of him as Leo looks between them.]
DONNIE: [waving his hands] "I'm open. Transfer it!"
[Leo dribbles it between his legs and hits the ball with his back. It smacked Donnie in the face and grabbed it in midair.]
LEO: "Victory!"
[The ball managed to go through the hoop and went flying.]
LEO: "Sorry Dontron, I gotta win. Tried losing once, wasn't for me. Win at all cost. Boom! Catch phrase wins."
RAPH: "This happens every time!"
MIKEY: "Not the dancing. Anything but the dancing."
RAPH: "Let's get out of here."
[They leave as Leo dances.]
LEO: "I'm the best, I'm the best, I'm the best. What?"
[Someone caught the ball in the darkness and tossed it toward the hoop. Leo stopped and saw a man stepping in.]
TIM: "Nice moves, man."
LEO: [gasping sharply] "Are you all star player turned billionaire owner / coach / recording artist Tim Dunkman?"
TIM: "Call me the Dunk. I saw those sweet dance moves, and I got a business proposition for you. It's no secret that my team stinks. They're losers. You know what? I couldn't buy a sack of nickels with any of 'em."
LEO: "A sack of what now?"
TIM: "You know what? I like the pep of your pizza, and the squeaks of your sneaks. How'd you like to be-"
LEO: "Your new power forward who makes the winning duck in game seven?"
TIM: "Of course not. You're just a random guy with oddly green skin playing in the park. What I need is someone to get my crown hype, to get my team hype. I need you to be the mascot for my New York Daves."
LEO: "Still great! Wait, I thought you were called the Vipers."
[Flashback, the audience in the basketball stadium was almost nonexistent.]
TIM: "Congratulations! You have won our context to rename the team! What's it gonna be? Dragons, Dunkers?"
DAVE: "I'm Dave!"
[Back to reality.]
TIM: "What do you say?"
LEO: "I'm in! Let's go!"
[Later, Leo is in the stadium wearing a Dave Costume.]
LEO: "Let's go! Come on!"
[The team runs past him as a player throws the ball, but it ends up going through the net from the other side. Leo does a cartwheel and the referee blows the whistle. Later Tim is frustrated because the team is losing.]
LEO: "Mr. The Dunk, I'm so sorry I'm doing my best out there."
TIM: "It's not your fault. It's these losers."
LEO: "Have you ever thought.. Never mind."
TIM: "Don't hold out on the Dunk, kid. What'd you got?"
LEO: [pulls out a rock from his pocket] "Well, one more time I was a rut, but I found a lucky rock. Next thing you know no more rut."
TIM: "What's so special about that rock?"
LEO: "It's not about the rock, It's about changing your mojo."
TIM: "So you're saying…"
LEO: "You need to do whatever it takes to change your mojo."
TIM: "And you do that by-"
LEO: "Whatever it takes."
[The next night, April and the turtles had arrived and sitting on the breachers]
LEO: "You guys are in luck. I'm breaking out my new victory dance once we win tonight."
RAPH: "Yeah, right."
LEO: "Trust me. I'm on the inside."
APRIL: "As a mascot?"
LEO: "More of a consultant who wears a costume and fires a t- shirt cannon. The dunk listens to me,"
[in the locker room.]
TIM: "We haven't won a game all season. But that all changes tonight. Because you got something no else has."
TIM: "No, me. An eccentric billionaire willing to do whatever it takes to win. Including purchasing an ancient good luck arch that will change our losing mojo to winning mojo. My arch is gonna turn you wannabes into are-bes! Andy put that on my next album. Now let's go win!"
RAPH: [determined] "Those guys are gonna whoop the Daves."
[The buzzer goes off and Leo slides up.]
LEO: "Let's go Shmoo shmoo! Come on, let me hear ya!"
[The referee laughs a little as Leo fires a t- shirt cannon. One of them hits Dave, and gets covered in T-shirts.]
DAVE: "Yay!"
LEO: "I'm Dave! Get loud!"
ANNOUNCER: "And now, starting line up for your New York Daves!"
[The arch activates and the Daves step through. When they stepped forward, they acted like zombies and walked onto the court.]
LEO: "Yeah, let's go! Come on! Let me hear you!"
COACH: "Play ball!"
[The Knight player goes first and runs past the Daves. But then, the arch turns purple and just as the Knights approach the net, the Dave's eyes turn green. They catch the ball with their mouth, shocking the Knights. Another knocks him away from the met, and spits out the ball. The other started to dribble the ball and passed it to the other.]
LEO: "Let me hear you! Let's go, come on!"
TIM: "There it is!"
[After a few minutes, they got 48 to 0. ]
RAPH: [stands up] "Leo, are you noticing anything weird going on with the team?"
LEO: "Yeah. They're awesome. That arch must really be working. My idea."
DONNIE: "Yeah Dave, is it? That arch is severely mystic."
MIKEY: "That would explain why they're so creepy and not human."
RAPH: "Boys, looks like this trip just went from personal to business."
LEO: "Hey! You all are just jealous that once I joined the Daves, they went from losers, to Leos, which means winners. GAH!"
[Leo yelps in terror when he sees that the Daves have turned into yokai. The referee blew his whistle to stop but one grabbed the man and threw him.]
LEO: "That's not good."
TIM: "That is so good!"
LEO: "Sir Dunk, I think we may have accidentally. bought an evil arch that may or may not have possessed your players."
TIM: "Who cares, they're winning! I can't thank you enough. Winning taste so good."
[Leo steps away and puts down his mascot head piece.]
LEO: "So about that arch thingy."
MIKEY: "Ya think?"
DONNIE: "That's why I'd called an expert on all things mystic."
DRAXUM: "Ugh, point me at the idiot."
[Donnie holds the phone to Leo. On the screen it shows Draxum in his chef outfit.]
DRAXUM: "Do you know what you've done?!"
LEO: "What? Uh--"
DRAXUM: "That is the Arch of Aquinonn. Whoever walks under it is turned into,oh I don't know, a demonic warrior!"
LEO: "Ohh, yeah, that makes sense. Without admitting any fault, there may have been some signs."
[4 hours earlier, creatures are rocking out in front of an arch with large wings, a glowing eye and three tongues.]
YOKAI: "Power to all who cross under me!"
LEO: [looks at the camera] "Heh heh."
[back to the present]
DRAXUM: "The only way to reverse the power of the Arch is to defeat its demons in battle."
DONNIE: "Ah, yes, so in this case a game of bask-eh-ball."
RAPH: "Donnie, I know you know how to say it, we're all onto you. Okay, here's the plan."
[Everyone huddles up as Leo jumps from behind.]
LEO: "Let. Me. In! You need a full team."
RAPH: "Look, Leo, we need to work as a team. Take your win-at-all-costs attitude back to your boy Dunkman."
LEO: "Hey! Ugh. Bluh. You're right."
OTHERS: "Huh?"
[Leo takes off his outfit.]
LEO: "I'm sorry. That eccentric billionaire who was kind of a surrogate father figure to me has shown me a version of myself I don't like. I've been a ball hog, a bad teammate, and worst of all, I've been a- hughugh. I've been a bad- huegh. I've been a bad- hueugh! I'm gonna say it. I've been a bad- waouwaghwahwrough! Brrroughbrrwahbrwrahraugh! Braugh-brouthugh! Brrouhthugh. I've been a bad brother!"
OTHERS: "Awww! Aw-haw-haw-haw!"
RAPH: "Let's be ballers."
[They somehow change into Knight costumes]
LEO: "Time to put your evil spirit back in the arch!"
[Donnie throws the ball in the air. Leo passes around and backs the ball into a player.]
LEO: "A bounce pass."
[A dave player dives for it but Raph catches it into his hands and slammed dunks]
RAPH: "Boomshakalaka!"
[A Dave player dribbles the ball, throwing it into the air. Leo reveals himself behind the net and smacks it to April.]
APRIL: "From downtown."
[She throws it over the hoop.]
MIKEY: "Boom. Was yo mama a house? O-hoo ha! Because you're playin' like bricks."
[Mikey steals the ball, jumps onto the head of the smallest player, and slam dunk.]
[They now have 120 to 90.]
TIM: "Time out! You know what? I gotta do everything myself."
[Everyone gasps as the arch activates and turns into a one eyed beast.]
TIM: "The power! It's on. Former employee I looked at like a surrogate son. Game on!"
LEO: "Let's go!"
[The dunk is much stronger and faster, and getting so many slam dunks like it was nothing. Everyone tried to block the Dunk but he got another slam dunk.]
LEO: "Time out."
MIKEY:[exhausted] "Ah, they're too good. Maybe we just need to accept we're under Arch rule now."
LEO: "We can do this. I've got an idea. Donnie, you ready to win this thing?"
DONNIE: "You're just gonna bounce-throw it off my head again, aren't you?"
LEO: "No, they're expecting me to take the last shot. That's why you're gonna do it."
[Memory reveals Donnie hitting the net in the middle of the playing field for kids.]
DONNIE: "Brain dance! And boom goes the Donnie-mite! Game blouses."
MIKEY: "Are we sure about this?"
DONNIE: "What? Wha--"
LEO: "Yes, I believe in you. You've got this."
DONNIE: "Your confidence is giving me confidence!"
LEO: "Team" on three. One, two, three."
ALL: "Team!"
[The game begins again.]
DONNIE: "Ah, run."
[Donnie runs off. With him distracted, he runs right into Raph.]
LEO: "Oof. A bounce pass."
[Leo throws it to Donnie. The Dunk jumps toward him but he leaps into the air.]
DONNIE: "Out of the way. A-drip drop!"
[He throws the ball and it soars toward the basket. Everyone stopped and watched.]
DAVE: [in slo mo] "I'm Daves!"
[However, he misses it.]
MIKEY: "Oh my gosh!"
[Everyone gasped until Leo jumped and caught it.]
LEO: "Hot soup!"
[He slam dunk so hard, the glass breaks. The Knights Win is displayed on the screen.]
TIM: "No!!"
[The Dunk's body turns purple along with the others. They disappear into thin air as the arch deactivates, turning all the players and Dunk back to normal.]
RAPH: [to Leo] "Did you know he would miss?"
LEO: 'Just because I am a team player doesn't mean Donnie is magically good at basketball."
[He hands him the ball and throws it into his hand, humming "Lucky Rock".]