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[The episode opens late at night. Stalking through the woods, a hunter, who wore a forest vest, cargo pants, a bag of arrows and other weapons, alongside a voodoo necklace, is on the hunt for a creature he has been after for years.]
Finger: I got a bad feeling, mama. [holds his shunken head] "You be careful, boy. Don't get yourself hurt none. " Don't worry your pretty little head, mama. Ain't nothing gonna happen to The Finger. "Don't get cocky. You know he's out there". "He's watching you. " Don't nag me, mama! I ain't no little kid no more.
[Suddenly, he hears a rustling noise. The Finger held out his bow and arrow until a squirrel appeared. He sighs. Suddenly, a monster comes out as the explosion comes out from the forest.]
[theme song]
[In the farmhouse, Donnie makes a music box in order to win April's heart.]
Donnie: There. Too much?
Mikey: Do you really want my opinion?
Donnie: Only if you think it's perfect.
Mikey: It's perfect!
[Later Donnie shows the music box to April in the living room.]
April: Wow, that is just super neat. Thanks so much, Donnie! Well, got to go! Got some, uh, training to do [Chuckles.] Thanks again, Donnie!
[She leaves, Donnie looks at the box, heartbroken.]
Mikey: I can't even imagine how you're feeling right now.
Donnie:[heartbroken] Devastated.
Mikey:[offended] Aw, man! I was totally gonna say "devastated"! I should've just went for it. I got to learn to trust my instincts! [Donnie shuts his mouth] I mean That's rough, bro.
[Donnie pulls him and throws him to the ground and sighs in despair.]
Raph: Smooth move, genius. It's never gonna happen, Donnie. We're mutants. She's a girl. You're a giant talking turtle. The sooner you get used to it, the better. You know what you need? Huh? Huh, buddy? You know what you need?
Donnie: You to leave?
Raph: A little forest ninja training Sounds like fun, right? Right? Ha!
[In order to cheer up Donnie from his heartbreak and depression, he took him outside for training as Leo watches, Raph defeats both Donnie and Mikey.]
Raph: Aw, you guys are rustier than the Titanic's butt! No, we're… you're not in the city anymore. You need to get used to this new environment no buildings, no subways. Lots of trees.
Mikey: Ugh, tell me about it.
Raph: Well, what do you think?
Leo: Hmm.. Turtle hunt.
Raph: Turtle hunt.
Both: Turtle hunt?
Raph: You gonna help out, Leo?
Leo: Yeah, I. [Groans.] Sorry. I guess I'm still not up to it. Enjoy your little hunt, guys.
Mikey: Dude!
Donnie: What do you mean by "turtle hunt"?
Raph: You guys are gonna head into the forest. I'll give you a five minute head start, then I hunt you down. If you can't stay hidden for at least an hour, you'll have to clean out the chicken coop.
Donnie: No way!
Mikey: Not the chicken coop, man!
Donnie: It smells like cheese fossils!
Mikey: It's got spiders so big, they play the banjo!
Donnie: We can't clean that thing! Then get moving.
[In the forest]
Mikey: How do we hide in the woods, anyway? There's no doors!
[A leaf drifted onto Donnie's face and looked up.]
Donnie: We could climb a tree.
Mikey: That's the first place he's gonna look. Could we burrow? Do Turtles burrow in the wild?
Donnie: I don't know. I've never been in the wild before. Have you?
Mikey: Does Jersey count?
[They hear a loud roar]
Mikey: [frightened] What the heck was that?
Donnie: It's got to be Raph messing with us! Right?
Mikey: We got to hide, now!
[The two climb up the tree.]
Donnie: Aw, we are so cleaning that coop. Raph's gonna find us up here in, like, five seconds.
Mikey: I don't think so.
Donnie: Why not?
[They realize they are not alone. There was a tall furry creature on a branch above them .]
Mikey: Um.. Hi?
[The creature jumped at them,]
Mikey: What is it? Some kind of monkey man?
Donnie: It looks like the mythical Sasquatch Bigfoot!
[The beast swung the branch, knocking Donnie and Mikey right down]
Donnie: He's too big. Run!
[From the other side of the forest, Raph was searching for the two turtles. Donnie and Mikey come around screaming.]
Raph: Come on, you're not even trying to hide!
Donnie and Mikey: BIGFOOT!
Raph: Yeah, right. If you think you're gonna get out of cleaning that coop by-
[Raph sees Bigfoot as the two scream but Raph wasn't scared.]
Raph: Looks like we're gonna get some real training.
[They started to attack Bigfoot but it knocks Mikey and Donnie down. Raph leaps over the beast. as the beast grabbed two branches and used them like Sai. It disloges them.]
Raph: Bigfoot got some skills.
[Mikey bumps on Bigfoot and gets knocked by a branch. Donnie jumps on Bigfoot's arm until he sees the scared expression. Donnie looked and saw the look and noticed the wound on the left arm.]
Donnie: Hey, are you?
[Raph and Mikey tried to save Donnie but Bigfoot grabbed Mikey's face.]
Donnie: Stop! Guys, he's hurt! I don't think he wants to fight us. I think he's just scared.
Bigfoot: Scared.
Raph: He can talk?
Donnie: Look at that sagittal crest. It could be a Paranthropus Robustus, a hominid long thought extinct!
Mikey:[Muffled.] Can't breathe!
Donnie: Okay, okay, easy now. Easy. I can fix your arm if you let me. It. It's okay. I want to help. It's not bad, but I'd like to take you home where we can clean it up and bandage it. Is that okay?
[Bigfoot nods.]
Mikey: Hello? Anybody? [the beast drops him down]
Raph: [enraged] No way! We can't bring a giant apeman home with us!
Donnie: Of course we can. Mikey?
Mikey: Injured woodland creature? Bring him home.
Donnie: Two to one, Raph. Sorry. Hi. I'm Donnie. This is Raph, and this is Mikey.
Bigfoot: I-
[In the distance, we see the Finger hiding in the shadows.]
Donnie: I? Okay, your name is I?
Bigfoot: I... No name.
Mikey: Of course you have a name. You're Bigfoot!
Bigfoot: Bigfoot! [Laughs.] Bigfoot.
Donnie: Will you come with us?
[Bigfoot starts to get scared.]
Donnie: It's okay. You're gonna be safe with us.
[They begin to lead Bigfoot back home unknown to them, the Finger is watching.]
Raph: Why would he be scared of us?
Finger: Well, mama, been hunting this hairy freak for years now. "And now he goes and finds himself some more freaks!" Settle down, mama. Ain't no little green aliens gonna save Bigfoot from The Finger.
[The turtles bring Bigfoot home.]
Donnie: Hello? Anybody home? We got company!
Leo: What? You can't let anyone in. Why is the doorway full of hair?
Casey: And a giant butt?
[Mikey struggled to pull Bigfoot in.]
Donnie: Come on, it's okay.
[They managed to pull her in.]
Casey: [terrified] IT'S BIIGFOOT!
Leo: You brought Bigfoot home?
Bigfoot: [confused] Why everyone know Bigfoot name?
Donnie: Bigfoot, this is Leo, Casey, and April.
April: He's hurt! I'll get the first aid kit.
Leo: You can't just bring home Bigfoot!
Donnie: He needs our help. Just until his arm gets better.
April: Come on, let's get that wound cleaned up.
[April leads Bigfoot to the living room.]
Casey: Sure, but when I wanted to have a dog, you guys were like, "no way. "
Donnie: You guys don't get it. Bigfoot is the missing genetic link between humans and the ape. This discovery will change the face of science itself.
Casey: So it's bigger than talking Turtles?
[Donnie glares. Meanwhile, April bandaged Bigfoot's arm.]
April: There you go. Try not to use it too much for the next few days.
Bigfoot: Bigfoot thank Donnie.
Donnie: No problem.
Bigfoot: Bad man after Bigfoot. Name The Finger.
Donnie: The Finger?
Bigfoot: Very bad mans. But Donnie good mans.
Donnie: Aw, thanks, Bigfoot.
Bigfoot: Donnie very good mans. So good. Bigfoot. [kisses him and hugs Donnie] love Donnie! Bigfoot am lady.
Donnie: That Is great?
Casey: That Is great!
[Leo, Raph, Mikey and Casey burst into laughter hysterically, much to Donnie's discomfort. ]
[Bigfoot keeps nagging Donnie. Like: Smiling at him and giving him some popcorn while he watches Crognard. Although, Donnie is still uneasy and uncomfortable. Mikey makes dinner, he slurps something from a spoon then he smiles after seeing Bigfoot arriving.]
Bigfoot: Bigfoot bring meat!
Mikey: Where did you. . .
Bigfoot: Good meat. [Laughs.] Tender, tender.
[Mikey gets disgusted and he vomits]
Bigfoot: Bigfoot make waste.
Raph: Make waste?
[Raph sees the toilet is fine, but the bathroom is not fine, it's covered with waste.]
Raph:[irritated] Aah! Bigfoot!
[Meanwhile the Finger is still hunting.]
Raph: Donnie and Mikey need to learn to blend in out here, forest stealth. If you're gonna stay with us, at least you can help out. So show them some stuff, okay? I have to clean out the tub.
[Bigfoot looks at Donnie and Mikey.]
Mikey: Please don't grab my head again.
[Bigfoot puts MIkey in a bush.]
Bigfoot: Blend in.
Donnie: I can still see him.
Finger: Mama, looks like Bigfoot got him a couple of little green alien buddies. The Finger is okay with that.
[Bigfoot notices something and runs off, grabbing the two turtles as the Finger gired darts.]
Donnie: What are you-?
Mikey: Ugh, you're squishing me!
Finger: Darn it! Lost 'em, but not for long.
[In the house]
Raph: Come on, Leo, give me your best!
Leo: You'll gain no ground.
Mikey: Oh, man, Bigfoot is amazeballs with the forest stealth stuff!
Bigfoot: Bigfoot scared. Finger bad!
[She clothes the curtains.]
Raph: Right, fingers are bad. Hey, Donnie, want to play the winner?
[Bigfoot looks outside worried. Later Bigfoot is cooking.]
April: Evening, Bigfoot. What are you making?
Bigfoot: Food! Donnie!
[April looks and becomes startled.]
April: Um, you realize that meat has fur?
[She nods and looks in the fridge and meets Kitty.]
[Bigfoot screams and throws the fridge where Ice cream Kitty is right outside. April looked through the window where the fridge had been thrown before she looked at Bigfoot.]
Bigfoot: Bigfoot need help.
April: Sure, what Bigfoot wa- I mean, what do you want?
Bigfoot: Makeover. Huh?
[Later on, April was decorating Bigfoot's face.]
April: Okay, and a little off the top here. Well, so what do you think?
[Bigfoot grabs a hand held mirror and looks at her reflection. Meanwhile, Donnie was heading downstairs until he was stopped by Bigfoot, holding a pot.]
Bigfoot: Eat!
Donnie: Gah! Did you? Wow whoa. Uh, yeah, um, uh... Thank you. Got to go, bye!
[Donnie runs away, leaving Bigfoot to watch at her soup, upset. Cut to Raph playing video games in the living room as Donnie checks on him.]
Donnie: Ugh. This is so uncomfortable. Bigfoot follows me around everywhere like a love struck puppy.
Raph: Now you know how April feels.
[Hearing this, Donnie becomes angry by these words, raises his finger, tries to object and irk on this, but realizes for a seconds, he looks at the door and watches with guilt and remorse. Cut to Bigfoot, she sits down at the roof, whimpers until she hears someone. It's Leo and Casey teasing Donnie about being Bigfoot's boyfriend.]
Leo: So she's wearing makeup now, and she keeps making soup for Donnie.
Casey: [holding back his laughter] Do you think she's his type?
Leo: Maybe after a shave!
[Both laugh, but they hear someone is outside. Upset and hurt, Bigfoot runs away crying.]
Leo: Bigfoot, wait!
[Outside, we see Donnie watches at his music box, heartbroken as Mikey sleeps, but then they see Bigfoot running away crying at the woods, running to where she was running, they stop as Leo and Casey catch up with them.]
Mikey: [infuriated] What is wrong with you guys?
Casey: We didn't mean to hurt her feelings.
Donnie: Bigfoot! Wait up!
[Donnie and Mikey run after her, Leo and Casey look in shame after hurting her feelings. While the turtles go after Bigfoot, we cut to Finger.]
Finger: Mama, your boy's got 'em right where he wants 'em. "Iffen you play your cards right, maybe you'll get your own alien hunting reality show!" Ooh, just like cousin Fatback!
[He shots the tree.]
Finger: Ohhhhh, doggie!
[Finger yells with triumph as the tree explodes. Cut to Bigfoot, still running, crying, until she gets onto the booby trap.]
Finger: How many years The Finger been chasing you? Well, guess what. Mama says the chasing's over. Bigfoot, you gonna make mama and The Finger rich! "I'm so proud of you, The Finger. " Aw, shucks, mama.
[Donnie and Mikey search around for Bigfoot. The turtles charged but saw that it was a dummy.]
Donnie: What the- huh?
[It was a trap...but then...both of them were knocked out...]
Mikey: Puppies... Too many puppies... Aah! Donnie, I just had the worst dream about-
[Both the turtles are tied up and hanging in the air.]
Donnie: I'm not sympathetic right now, Mikey. The Finger has been debating whether to pickle us or stuff us.
Mikey: Ooh, pickle! Pickles taste so good!
Finger: Ain't got no room for these two on the cart, mama. Looks like The Finger's gonna have to stuff 'em right here.
Donnie: I've got an idea. Follow my lead. Hey, Finger! Your mama looks like a raisin!
Finger: "What'd he say about me, The Finger?"
Mikey: Uh... Your mama's so wrinkly, she looks like one of those little dogs With all the wrinkles.
Finger: A Shar-pei?
Donnie: Your mama's uh, your mama's a shrunken head!
Finger: Shut up! "Destroy them. "
[He fired and Donnie got free.]
Donnie: Bad move, The Finger.
[He uses his bo and cuts Mikey free. They begin to dodge explosive bombs as Donnie attacks the Finger.]
Finger: The Finger got skills!
[Mikey knocks him down.]
Mikey: Forest stealth!
[Donnie charges as the Finger throws him down, taking a branch as a bo. They began to clash their weapons together. The Finger grabbed Donnie and started to punch him through and tackle him. Mikey leaped on the Finger but the Finger crushed and landed on the tree. Finger then prepares to leap on them.]
Donnie: This is gonna hurt!
[The man landedonto Donnie. Both of them are defeated.]
Finger: You can't beat The Finger! He's too strong for you!
Donnie: Hey, Finger! How many more explosive bolts you got in that quiver?
Finger: Forty two.
[A bolt knocked the man, setting explosives like fireworks. Finger crashes to the groudn, covered in snoot.]
Finger: If The Finger's going down, he's taking Bigfoot with him!
[Bigfoot looks from her net.]
Finger: Bigfoot, Bigfoot's a lady? The Finger can't shoot no lady! The finger's sorry, mama! He didn't know! He would never hurt no lady!
[Finger starts crying as Bigfoot walks over to him and picks him up.]
Bigfoot: There, there It am be okay.
[Both watch at each other, fall in love, Bigfoot hugs him, as Finger continues crying.]
Bigfoot: Bigfoot take care sad mans.
[Bigfoot carries Finger and walks away, as Don and Mikey watch at each other, dumbstruck. Cut to the next morning, April chops some woods as Donnie comes to her.]
Donnie: Hey, April.
April: What's up, Donnie?
Donnie: I, um… Well, I just wanted to let you know I won't be bothering you with music boxes anymore.
April: I get it now. Donnie is to April as Bigfoot was to Donnie.
Donnie: I'm just a mutant.
April: You're not just a mutant, Donnie. You're my mutant.
[April kisses him]
Donnie: I understand nothing.
[Episode ends.]