[The episode opens with the New York City, everything's peacefully quiet. The camera pans to the Purple Dragons, where they are glaring at the museum, indicating that they're on a mission to get something from it.]
Sid: So how we gonna break into the museum, Fong? Fong: You want to steal, steal a key.
[Both smile wickedly at the key, then we cut to the telescope view at the trash can. Suddenly it starts to move. We learn it's the cat. As we know, April is the one who's holding a telescope. Then we see Donatello and Casey Jones rush.]
Donnie: [arguing with Casey] That is not true. I've gone through years of intense physical training. Ninjas are some of the most skilled athletes on the planet.
[He climbs to the rooftop]
Casey: You're just, like, limping around, dude. Now, this is how Casey Jones crosses rooftops.
[He jumps and slides down a wire.]
Donnie: Lame.
April: Oh. Will you two keep it down? We're supposed to be looking for Karai.
Donnie: Sorry, April. I-I didn't mean to-
Casey: My bad, Red. Casey Jones apologizes. Peace hug?
[Donnie separates them and sees the Purple Dragons enter the museum.]
Donnie: The Purple Dragons. Yes. Peace hug's over. Let's go!
[Inside, the dragons look around the Chinese district. Fong finds a dagger inside a dispaly case.]
Fong: Wow. Steranko's gonna pay through the roof. We hit the mother lode!
Casey: Yeah? Well, you're about to get hit by a mother lode of Casey Jones.
Donnie: And a mother lode of Donnie, too.
Casey: What the-
Donnie: And April.
[The purple dragons start to attack the three teens. Tsoi throws a vase which Casey shields himself. April takes out Sid while Donnie takes out Fong. Casey starts to shove Donnie out of the way and knocked Fong to the ground.]
Donnie: I had him. Why'd you do that?
Casey: I saved you from a kick in the head.
Donnie: Oh, you were just trying to impress April, and I-
April: [upset] Nice job, guys.
[Sees the mess that the left and escape the museum]
April: Great. You let them get away.
Sid: Oh, man. We got nothing!
Fong: That's 'cause you two are losers, yo. Check it out.
[Fong reveals that he found a small knife. He tries to open it. After a struggle, he opens, then the dagger turns into blue, then something comes out, and we can hear the laugh of an old man. It's the human spirit. A ghost, he is a Chinese wizard, who has black hair, beard and wizard rope. The ghost's name is Ho Chan, the greatest sorcerer in Shang dynasty 2000 years ago, the one who was also born in 1206 BG.]
Ho Chan: Greetings, Purple Dragons. You may now bow before your new master, Ho Chan. I said bow!
[They bow at him, then the spirit's eyes become light blue as new changes in New York come as the Chinese spirit enters.]
[Theme song.]
[Cut to the turtles, they've been greeted by Don, April and Casey. It is revealed that they've been searching for mutated Karai, weeks passed ever since after her mutation.]
Leo: You guys have any luck?
Donnie: Eh, no sign of Karai, but we just had a crazy run-in with the Purple Dragon gang.
Raph: Oh, man, you beat 'em up without me? What kind of friends are you?
April: We almost had them, until these two goofballs let 'em get away.
Mikey: Ah, it's no big deal, April. Those guys are like a level-one boss battle. Who cares about the Purple Dragons anyway?
[As Mikey's words didn't come true, we cut back to Purple Dragons and Ho Chan.]
Fong: What are you, man some kind of ghost?
Ho Chan: You can call me Ho Chan, I was once the greatest practitioner of the most ancient form of martial arts. Hoo-hai-ha! Hwa. Which, to the ignorant, untrained eye, looks like magic. I would have been the ruler of the universe had I not been trapped in this ancient dagger thousands of years ago.[starts crying] We are not so different besides the fact that you are all simpering idiots.
Sid: What does "simpering" mean?
Ho Chan: But I can make you buffoons strong, powerful - if you serve me.
Fong: Heck, yeah.
Sid: Sign me up.
Tsoi: I'm down.
Ho Chan: As you wish.
[Ho Chan shoots the lightning at the thugs, then he transforms them.]
Ho Chan: [to Fong] Moron, I grant you the power of lightning!
[Fong has blue eyes, has a lightning element and wears a Japanese hat.]
Ho Chan: Stupid idiot, you become thunder!
[Sid, as well, he controls thunder.]
Ho Chan: And, numbskull, you are wind!
[Tsoi controls the wind.]
Ho Chan: Listen, together we will conquer the world. Yes. Now, go find me a lair of opulent beauty worthy of my divine power.
[We cut to the inside of the fortune cookie factory and the door opens as Ho Chan and the Purple Dragons enter, Ho Chan is discomforted by this place.]
Ho Chan: What the heck is this? This is your lair of opulent beauty? Well, it will serve.
[In the lair]
Donnie: Guys, we've been at this for a week straight. Maybe Karai is gone for good.
Mikey: Okay, dudes, let's use our awesome deduction skills. Where do snakes hang out? Swamps, deserts, forests, pizzerias, ice cream parlors, the arcade, a-
[Mikey stops as Leo looked over to where Splinter is in the dojo.]
Leo: He's been like that for days.
Raph: Karai's mutation really messed him up.
Leo: Sensei's not messed up. He's just healing his spirit.
Mikey: I don't like to see him like this. Let's keep searching.
Raph: We could really use Casey and April's help. I think they're hanging out at the ice rink.
Donnie: That's a great idea! We could break them up! I-I mean split them up. I mean split them up into two teams.
[Meanwhile, Ho chan looked at the fortune cookie's words while the Purple dragon's practiced their powers.]
Lightning Fong: Man, I'm incredible! Check me out. Busted up your little lightning bolt,
[He gets thrown back by Sid's powers.]
Thunder Sid: Fong. Wind blows away lightning and thunder.
[They both spin around.]
Wind Tsoi: Wind rule.
Ho Chan: Stop messing around! Now, I need you to perform a very important task for me. I need a girl with a very special power. That will return me to my physical form. Mm, yes. I see a girl with red hair and a yellow jumpsuit. No, it's just a T-shirt. Her name is April O'Neil.
[In the hockey stick arena.]
Casey: You're doing great.
April: No, I'm not! Whoa! [falls on the ice.]
[The scene cuts to reveal that April crashed into Irma.]
Irma: Nice landing, April.
Casey: Yeah. Not everybody can be as cool on the ice as Casey Jones. I was practically born in the rink. My old man was on a pro hockey team. I ever tell you that?
Irma: Like, fifty times a week. Honestly, April, I have no idea what you see in that guy.
[Thunder rumbled catching their attention. The Purple dragons arrive, bursting through the ceiling.]
April: Purple Dragons?
Casey: You losers just got your butts kicked. Now you're coming to my house?
April: Um, Casey, did you happen to notice these guys are glowing?
[April goes after them but she gets blown back. Casey throws a puck at them but Tsoi uses his wind attack. Sid flammed his fists, cracking the ice as Fong used his electric as Casey tried to block it. He fassl back and landed on the net.]
April: Casey!
[Both the girls get grabbed in the air]
April: Help! No!
Casey: April! Nooo! Oh, yeah. And Irma.[weakly] No.
[The dragons taken them to Ho Chan]
Ho Chan: Aha. You have power in you, a power you have barely tapped. It will belong to Ho Chan. Yes. And you have power too. Power that I do not understand yet. You will explain this power or suffer my- W-what?
[April fights them back]
April: Come on, Irma!
[Irma tries to kick but Ho Chan is a ghost]
Irma: You're some kind of ghost?
Ho Chan: Indeed. I have been cursed without flesh for two thousand years.
[He used his power and grabbed April and Irma binding them in blue vines]
Ho Chan: My power is ancient and vast. But you both exhibit a power I have never encountered, a power that Ho Chan will take to become flesh once more and rule the universe! Now we start the ritual.
[Meanwhile, Casey told the turtles what happened.]
Donnie: [furious] You're saying you just let them take April?
Casey: Listen, these dudes got powers, yo.
Donnie: Powers? They're just a gang of third-class wannabes!
Casey: No, I'm telling you. They were all throwing lightning bolts and blasting wind.
Mikey: Like me after I eat broccoli. Ha!
[Raph separates them.]
Raph: Maybe Casey's right. Either way, we got to save April and Irma.
Casey: Maybe we can let them keep Irma in exchange for April?
Leo: Classy, Jones. Let's go.
[They head to the fortune cookie factory]
Leo: I don't like the looks of this.
Mikey: I like the looks of those hats. They're awesome.
Raph: They're only loser Purple Dragons. How tough could they be?
Casey: Goongala!
[Casey charges at them but Tsoi uses wind to blow him back.]
Raph: Okay, they're a little tougher than I thought.
[They dodged Fong's lighting as the rest continued to fight. They had finally managed to defeat the Purple Dragons.]
Leo: Now, let's get April and her friend.
[Ho chan appears]
Ho Chan: Ah, behold tortoise warriors. It is said that the great turtle helped the God Pangu create the world.
[Ho Chan started to brainwash Leo, Raph and Mikey as the purple dragons go back to normal.]
Ho Chan: Ha! Fitting that these turtles should help Ho Chan rule it.
Fong: [betrayed] But, master, why?
Ho Chan: Because you're losers. Aha! Get out of my sight before I send you to the abyss of infinite morons.
[The purple dragons run away as Donnie and Casey watch in horror.]
Donnie: [horrified to see his brothers are brainwashed] Guys..
Ho Chan: Your guys are my guys. Bye-bye for now.
[He disappears]
Casey: We got to go, Donnie! Move!
[They get into the shellraiser and drive off]
Casey: Let me take the wheel!
Donnie: Are you crazy? Whoa!
[They hide in the alley ]
Casey: Ah, they're gone!
Donnie: Yeah, but there's somebody else here.
[They look and see the purple dragons hiding. They pull them out of the dumpster and slammed them to the wall.]
Casey: You better start talking, punk.
Fong: [pulls out a dagger cover] He came out of an ancient Chinese dagger, like a spirit. He promised us great power, but once we had it, he had the power to control us. All I know is his name Ho Chan.
[in the lab, Donnie begins to find information about Ho Chan.]
Donnie: Nope, that's not it either. Let me try something else.
Casey: There he is. "An ancient sorcerer who goes back to the Shang dynasty." Oh, snap! He's Shangy.
Donnie: "According to legend, the only thing that can defeat Ho Chan is the mystic dagger."
Casey: And what about stopping your bros?
Donnie: We can't. They're in some kind of super hypnotic state. Nothing can get them out of it.
Casey: Nothing?
[Casey seemed to have an idea when he notice an pizzeria ad. Later, they drive to the street and exit.]
Donnie: The coast is clear. Is the manhole cover cannon completely loaded?
Casey: Yep, you distract them, and I'll go rescue April.
Donnie: No way. I'll rescue April. You distract them.
Casey: Um, I think we both just distracted them.
[The turtles appear, creating a massive tornado that sucked Donnie and Casey. Meanwhile, Ho chan is doing the ritual. April groans in pain. Casey and Donnie fly around in the air, screaming as Casey lands on the Shellraiser. Donnie begins to fight back by using his bo and falls to the ground. Casey arrives and and began to fire pizza.]
Casey: Goongalla!
Wind Mikey: Pizza? Cannot resist the urge.
Lightning Leo: Keep away from it!
Thunder Raph: It belongs to me.
[Casey helps Donnie up once the brainwashed turtles are distracted.]
Casey: I knew that would work.
Donnie: Boast about it later. Let's rescue April.
[They arrive inside the warehouse.]
Casey: Why don't we both just go up there and whack him while his eyes are closed?
Donnie: I don't think that's a good idea.
Casey: Why?
Donnie: Because I think he's listening to you.
Ho Chan: Whack me? You don't whack a two thousand year-old master. You beg for mercy, and then you-
[April opens her eyes]
April: Guys, watch out! Get out of here! He's too powerful! Run! Get out of here, guys!
Ho Chan: I will call my servants to put an end to your physical existence, while I finish with gaining mine.
[Ho Chan closes his eyes, he moves his ghastly fingers as the clock sounds are heard, he tries to contact the brainwashed turtles, but he has no response, much to the sorcerer's confusion.]
Ho Chan: [confused] Strange. They do not respond. It's as if some power greater than my own holds them outside.
[Meanwhile the brainwashed turtles are still fighting over the pizza. Leo started to leap onto Raph while Mikey blew them away before grabbing a slice.]
Casey: Goongalla!
[Casey tries to whack Ho Chan with his hockey stick, but due to Ho Chan being a ghost, it misses and Casey falls, unsuccessful to hit the evil wizard.]
Casey: What?
[Ho chan laughs]
Ho Chan: You missed.
[He goes back. April tries to punch but then her soul goes sucked out of her body as he starts to be human once more.]
Ho Chan: I think it's working.
Casey: Good!
[As Ho Chan's immortality almost returns, Casey smacks the sorcerer's face, much to his pain.]
Ho Chan: Oh? Pain! Oh, for the first time in centuries, I feel something. Ho Chan is almost human once more!
[Ho Chan starts to dodge Casey's attacks as he uses brutal pressure points at Casey until he catches him with his large sized hands. Donnie also tried to stop but he is also caught]
Ho Chan: Giant hands my contribution to the ancient arts. Everybody loves giant hands. Yes giant hands!
[April and Irma had been released. The girl begins to crawl to her friend.]
April: Irma?
Casey: Donnie, go for it.
Ho Chan: I will crush the loud one first.
Casey: Hold on, Casey!
[He throws him the dagger]
Ho Chan :No magic necessary. It's all in the reflexes. What? No!
[April jumped through and stabbed him in the chest.]
April: Too bad your reflexes aren't as quick as mine.
[Ho Chan is defeated and is sealed away in the dagger.]
Casey: That was shangy. Awesome job, Donatello. High three!
Mikey: Hey, everybody. Sorry we're late, but some people were trying to hog all the pizza.
Raph: So who was the big hero Donnie, Casey?
Casey: It wasn't us.
Donnie: It was all April. Peace hug!
April: Uh, okay, okay. I'm getting kind of squashed here.
[Irma wakes up, climbing down stairs. The turtles begin to leave]
Irma:[moaning] Where'd weirdo go?
April: You got a bad bump on your head, Irma. Whatever you saw was just a nightmare.
[April and Casey smile at each other. Cut to the sun rising as the turtles arrive at the docks.]
Donnie: Hold on, fellas. I just have to take care of one last thing.
Ho Chan: Please, I can make you powerful, rich, whatever you desire, seriously! NOOO! I will return!
[Donnie drops the knife where Ho Chan was sealed into the ocean. With Ho Chan gone, Donnie smiles and raises thumb up to his brothers as the episode ends with a Japanese music.]