[Opening sequence and theme song.]

[Episode opens at the bottom of the ocean. A giant pipe pushes up through the ocean floor and begins suctioning water and debris.]

Krang "There. I burst through to the ocean's floor."

Shredder "What's up, Krang, building a swimming pool? Ha ha ha!"

Krang "Ha ha ha. Not a pool, you fool-- a super pump. Now, I will extend a second pipe up through the earth's crust and into the city sewers."

Shredder "Spare me the plumbing lecture, Krang, and get to the point."

Krang "The point is to flood the sewers and liquidate the turtles."

Shredder "Sounds like another of your watered-down dreams."

[Shift to the sewers, where Donatello and Michelangelo are trying out one of Donatello’s newest inventions.]

Donatello "Well, what do you think of this new turtle tube I whipped up?"

Michelangelo "Boy, it's totally tubular, dude."

Donatello "Very funny."

Michelangelo "Hey, I was just pulling your flipper, bud. I think it's devoutly bodacious, not to mention awesomely fantastico. Uh, but what else does it do besides just float?"

Donatello "You've gotta be kidding. It comes equipped with dozens of options. For instance, take this suction gun. Now, let's say that bullfrog sitting there is Shredder."

Michelangelo "Oh, yeah. I could see the resemblance."

Donatello "Now, watch what I do to him."

[A plunger shoots from the turtle tube and catches the frog. It jumps into the water and swims away, pulling the turtles along with it.]

Both "Whoa! Hey, stop! Hey!"

Michelangelo "Whoa. This makes a great argument for suction-gun control."

Donatello "Here's another nice innovation-- an emergency cutoff. Well, I guess there's still a few bugs that have to be worked out."

Michelangelo "Yeah. Toad-ally."

Donatello "I guess we'd better be heading back to the lair."

Michelangelo "I can definitely resonate with that notion, dude."

[Cut to the Channel 6 news station. Burne Thompson is on the phone.]

Burne Thompson "But Tiffany, I hate having birthdays. Can't we just forget about it this year?"

Tiffany "But Burnsie, birthdays are so fun. Exactly how old are you?"

Thompson "I’m -- I'm th--I'm th—I’m thirty something."

Vernon "Happy fiftieth birthday, boss."

Thompson "Vernon, you idiot! Ooh, sorry, Tiffy. I gotta go now."

April O'Neil "Well, chief, you ready for your birthday lunch?"

Thompson "I should stay here. What if a big story breaks?"

Irma "The restaurant is just across the street."

April "Sure. Someone who's thirty something like you can just dash right back over here."

[Meanwhile, Shredder is topside.]

Krang "Shredder, if we want to flush out those turtles, we must flood the sewers now."

Shredder "I'm waiting for Bebop and Rocksteady to bring me a boat to make our getaway."

Krang "What's taking them so long?"

Shredder "Be patient, Krang. They're not exactly rocket scientists, you know."

Rocksteady "What boat should we swipe? We got to do this scientific-like."

Bebop "Okay. I like red. It's my favorite color."

Rocksteady "Yeah. Mine, too. We'll take the red boat. Now start pushing."

Bebop "Mama!"

Rocksteady "Hang on, Bebop!"

Bebop "Maybe we should've took the blue one. Waa-oh!"

[Inside the turtles’ lair, the sound of a printer whirring has everyone’s attention.]

Leonardo "I wonder what Donatello's printing in there."

Raphael "Maybe it's his life story."

Donatello "Bad news, guys. These seismic vibrations are coming from the Earth's core."

Leonardo "That could mean only one thing-- the Technodrome."

Raphael "And that means Shredder."

Splinter "I, too, sense the presence of my old enemy."

Donatello "Sensei, you could have told me that before I went to all this trouble."

Splinter "You never asked me."

[Rocksteady and Bebop ride through the city streets on a runaway boat.]

Rocksteady "Where's the breaks on this thing?"

Bebop "Who do I look like, Captain Nemo?"

Rocksteady "Uh-oh."

Street Vendor "Aah!"

[They smash into the vendor’s cart.]

Both "Whoa!"

Rocksteady "Ooh, this is disgusting-- even for me."

Bebop "Well, at least we didn't hit a garbage truck."

[Truck horn honks as a garbage truck bears down on them.]

Both "Uh-oh. Ahh!"

Krang "Shredder, the pressure is too high. If the pumping doesn't begin this instant, the super pump will overload."

[Rocksteady and Bebop roll towards Shredder, both yelling.]

Shredder "Ahh. Here they come now."

Both "Whoa!"

Shredder "Ahh! What happened to you idiots?"

Rocksteady "Um, we hit some traffic on the way."

Krang "Looks like your mutants could use a bath. And here it comes."

[April and the news gang are in the seafood restaurant having lunch.]

April "Wow, Irma, isn't this a great salad bar?"

Irma "Don't you mean, salad barge? This thing is so healthy, it's making me sick."

Thompson "I still think this party is a dumb idea."

April "Oh, cheer up, chief. Everyone has birthdays."

Thompson "It's not just that. Channel 6 hasn't had a scoop in weeks."

April "I'm sure it's just a dry spell. Something's bound to break soon."

[Krang releases the water from his pump.]

Krang "Farewell, turtles. You're about to be flushed."

[Inside the lair, the turtles are dining.]

Michelangelo "Tasty lunch, dudes. But something's missing."

Raphael "Yeah. We forgot the refreshments."

Donatello "You're right. We could use something to wash this down."

[Water suddenly floods the lair.]

Donatello "This isn't exactly what I had in mind!"

All "Ahh!"

Raphael "Okay, who left the bathtub water running?"

Leonardo "Look. Master Splinter."

Splinter "Ugh! I cannot hold on much longer. Farewell, turtles. Remember all I have taught you."

Leonardo "We've got to save Master Splinter."

Michelangelo "Cowabunga! Surf's up! Got you, Sensei. Whoa!"

Leonardo "All together now."

All "Whoa!"

Donatello "Way to go, Michelangelo."

Michelangelo "Hey, it was a radical ride."

Raphael "We almost drowned like rats. Oh. Sorry, Master."

Splinter "An understandable choice of words."

Michelangelo "But, like, where did that gnarly surf come from?"

Donatello "Hmm. There might be a connection between this flood and those vibrations coming from the Technodrome."

Leonardo "Aha. So, this is what Shredder was cooking up."

Michelangelo "Yeah. Instant turtle soup."

Raphael "Take four turtles and just add water."

Shredder "Is this Krang's idea of a flood?"

All "Whoa!"

Shredder "Enough water, Krang. Even the turtles couldn't survive this."

Krang "Forget the turtles. The Technodrome can't survive this. The super pump is sucking in the entire ocean. The city will be flooded in a matter of minutes."

Shredder "A small enough price to rid ourselves of those blasted turtles."

April "So, what's everyone ordering for lunch?"

Vernon "Hmm. I wonder if the seafood is fresh."

[Ocean water floods the restaurant.]

Irma "Looks pretty fresh to me."

Vernon "Oh, yucky-poo."

Thompson "Great jumping jellyfish! The entire street is flooded!"

April "Something strange is going on. And I'm going to find out what it is. Ooh, and I think I just found my transportation. It's no luxury yacht, but it'll have to do."

[She begins rowing away on the boat shaped salad bar.]

Thompson "Wait a minute. Where's April?"

April "Here I am, chief. I'm off to get your birthday present."

Thompson "My birthday present?"

April "I'm going to get an exclusive on this flood for tonight's news."

Thompson "She sure has a lot of guts."

Vernon "She also has all the food."

Michelangelo "Man, the water level's still rising."

Leonardo "Donatello had better get back here with the turtle van, and fast."

Donatello "Ahoy, mateys. Well, what do you think of the turtle van?"

Michelangelo "Mondo conversion, dude."

Donatello "I switched the tires and hooked up an outboard motor."

Splinter "An excellent piece of engineering, Donatello."

Raphael "Next step-- to track down Shredder."

[The turtlecom beeps.]

April "Turtles, come in, turtles, quick!"

Leonardo "April, where are you?"

April "I'm at the corner of 5th and Main. And I think I'm being invited to lunch by a huge shark."

Leonardo "Hang on. We'll be right there."

April "Hungry, big guy, huh? Um, how about some lettuce, or maybe some yummy carrot sticks? Say, I'll bet you've never even tasted garbanzo beans. Oops. I guess he hates veggies."

Donatello "We'll handle this, April."

April "Oh, turtles. Thank goodness you're here."

Raphael "Telephone call for Mr. Jaws.
[He traps the shark in a phone booth.]

Don't call us. We'll call you.

Shredder "Oh, at last, my triumph is complete. The turtles have been swept out of the sewers into oblivion."

Rocksteady "Oblivion! So that's the name of that street."

Shredder "The turtles live. Stop the boat. The water pressure should've crushed them. I can't believe it."

Rocksteady "Me, neither. She's got a salad bar on her boat."

Shredder "Obliterate them."

April "And you think Shredder's behind this?"

Donatello "Not only is he behind this, he's also behind us."

Shredder "Rocksteady, toss them a blaster grenade."

Rocksteady "It's turtle trashin' time."

April "A grenade!"

Raphael "Come on. That boat's about to be tossed salad."

Donatello "Which of you bozos ordered salad with a grenade on the side?"

Shredder "I'll get you wretched reptiles yet."

[In the ocean, a giant squid is pulled into the water pump.]

Krang "Faster, you incompetent drones. The super pump must be repaired. I warned Shredder it would overload. Oh, no."

Shredder "Krang, I have a problem."

Krang "I have my own problem. And it's a lot bigger than yours."

Shredder "I need your help. The turtles are still alive."

Krang "Hmm, my dear Shredder, perhaps I can help you after all."

Thompson "The biggest story since the Johnstown flood, and I can't get back to file it."

Irma "I feel awful, Mr. Thompson. How was I to know your birthday lunch would turn out like a disaster movie?"

Vernon "Boss, why don't we send out a volunteer?"

Thompson "Good, good, good, good, Vernon. Thanks for volunteering. Here. Better put on this diving suit."

Vernon "Huh? Oh."

Thompson "Now just breathe normally."

Vernon "This is too dangerous. Ohh!"

Irma "Did you hear something? Vernon, what's wrong?"

Vernon "A-a huge, horrible monster with an enormous mouth and eight arms. Ahh!"

Irma "Is that all? Oh, what a wimp."

Bebop "What are we looking for, boss?"

Shredder "A giant squid. And when it surfaces, this brain wave neutralizer will do the rest."

Rocksteady "Hey, what's the big idea?"

Shredder "Oh, you found him! Don't let him get away."

Rocksteady "You gotta be kidding."

Shredder "Now, to tame the beast. It's now activated. The squid is under my control. Now, to test its obedience. I command you to release him."

Rocksteady "Ahh! Oof!"

Shredder "Oh, it works! Patience, my pet. Patience. Soon, you will have all the turtles you can eat. Ha ha ha!"

Leonardo "Fellas, we've got to pull the plug on this flood."

Michelangelo "But we don't even know where the water's coming from."

Raphael "I'd say that shark I tangled with was definitely an out-of-towner."

Leonardo "Which means the water must be coming from the ocean."

Donatello "And I'll bet Shredder is behind this flooding."

Raphael "Well, then, let's just find him and ask him to stop."

Michelangelo "Uh-oh, dudes. Humongous wave off the port bow or is that the starboard beam? Well, at least I got the humongous part right."

All "Ahh!"

Shredder "Finally, Krang, I have the weapon with which to destroy the turtles."

Krang "You'll have to find them first. They're not going to just come to you."

Michelangelo "Cowabunga!"

Shredder "Why, it's the turtle van."

Bebop "Aw, there goes the neighborhood."

Donatello "Okay, fellas. The moment we've been waiting for."

Raphael "Yeah. Let's do some serious damage."

Splinter "Be alert, my students. There may be more here than meets the eye."

Michelangelo "No problemo. We've trashed Shredder on land. We can trash him on water."

Leonardo "Turtles, fight with honor!"

Donatello "Go for it, bud!"

Raphael "We're ready, metal mouth! Give it your best shot."

Shredder "You'll regret having said that, mutant."

Donatello "Oh, wow. Look at the size of that thing."

Michelangelo "Truly awesome."

Shredder "And best of all, it obeys only me."

Donatello "Uh, fearless leader, um, maybe we ought to sound a retreat."

Raphael "What's the big deal? It's got eight arms. We've got eight arms."

Shredder "Turtles, you're about to become history. And I squid you not. Ha ha ha! Oh, I do believe I actually made a funny. Excellent, my pet. Now, do your nastiest."

All "Ahh!"

Bebop "This is better than a video game. Let 'em have it, boss."

Rocksteady "Yeah. Splatterize 'em!"

Shredder "Not yet. I'm having too much fun."

Leonardo "We've got to get that remote control."

Donatello "I'm open to suggestions."

April "Splinter, the turtles are in big trouble."

Splinter "We must break Shredder's control of that giant squid."

April "I've got an idea. Fasten your seat belt. This could get bumpy."

Shredder "Wait! Stop! What are you doing?"

[The boat starts pitching and he loses his hold on the remote.]

Donatello "I've got it."

Michelangelo "Way to go, dude."

Donatello "Uh, easy, big fella. Down, boy."

Rocksteady "I told you to splatterize 'em."

Shredder "Oh, shut up, you toadying twerp."

Donatello "Okay, Shredder. Now, it's our turn."

[Donatello directs the squid to grab Shredder and his mutants. The squid starts spanking them.]

Bebop "Mama!"

All "Ow! Hey!"

Rocksteady "Hey, no fair!"

All "Ow, ow, ow."

Michelangelo "That looks like major kicks. Hey, how about letting me press a few buttons, huh?"

Donatello "No. Don't."

Leonardo "They're getting away!"

Raphael "Thanks a lump, dude."

Michelangelo "Uh, sorry, amigos."

April "What do we do about this giant squid?"

Donatello "Well, if I remove that control device, it'll probably make its own way back to the ocean. Got it."

April "What fantastic footage! This'll be the top story on tonight's news."

Splinter "At last, the creature can return to its underwater home."

Raphael "Hey. Speaking of homes that are under water, what about our lair?"

All "Whoa! Hey!"

Krang "The super pump is stuck in reverse. It's draining the city and flooding the Technodrome. Keep bailing. I never had this thing rustproofed."

Leonardo "The water is actually receding."

Raphael "What was your first clue?"

Thompson "Blast it! Where's April O'Neil? We go on the air in three minutes."

Vernon "Never mind April. Someone get this helmet off me."

Irma "Maybe if you didn't have such a swelled head."

April "Chief, I'm here with your birthday present."

Thompson "My birthday present?"

April "Just like I promised. We'll scoop the networks with this story."

[Back in their lair, the turtles watch April’s broadcast.]

April "And so, the giant squid returned to the safety of the ocean. And now, I'd like to sign off with two very special words. Turtle power!"

Michelangelo "Hey, check it out. April's thanking us."

Donatello "And in prime time, too."

Splinter "I hope the turtles enjoy this. Look, squid."

All "Gangway! No! Squid! I'm out of here!"

Splinter "In celebration of today's events, I have prepared a special squid dish."

Michelangelo "Did you say squid?"

Raphael "Sensei, in Michelangelo's case, you should've prepared chicken."

[They all start laughing.]

Leonardo "Good one, Raphael."

[End Credits]
