

Some TMNT stuff really isn't for little kids.

"Times" Pipeline is the first Mirage Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Special.

Appearing in "Times" Pipeline[]

Major characters[]

Minor characters[]

  • Freddy (debut)
  • Groat Gladder (debut)
  • Komiceder Voofer



Deep within his Time Tower, a wormlike old man called 5 Ply is reminded by the Doom Marble that he is behind on his payments. In order to attract more clients for his tower's business, he uses an ancient Transmat to send out his business cards to the timeline's equivalents to mailboxes.

Donatello checks the Turtles' mail and finds the business card within. Upon flexing the card, a hologram of 5 Ply explains his services. Skeptical but intrigued at the prospect of finally being able to choose their destination during a journey through time, the Turtles decide they have nothing to lose and give the card three more flexes to activate it.

The Turtles come upon 5 Ply, and he and the Doom Marble are convinced that the Turtles' weapons are a sign that they're there to attack him. Despite their attempts at reasoning, 5 Ply sends the marble to attack them. They escape but end up in a dump port that sends them along with some supplies to one of 5 Ply's clients out into time. 5 Ply reckons it doesn't matter since they didn't seem to be carrying payment.

The Turtles are transported elsewhere and when, suddenly growing lizard beak "flaps" and appearing in a fort manned by anthropomorphic animals, they are abruptly attacked by flying lobster-like creatures. The soldiers appreciate their help, but the Turtles are just trying to get out and get home. They escape to the jungle and Don tries the business card again to escape, but it doesn't work. They make camp and cook and eat one of the lobsters and get to sleep.

The Turtles awaken to find a large, lizard-centaur beast tied up. Suddenly a crane appears and Turtles and beast get shot at. The beast gets up and attacks the crane, and more of the beasts, the "Ground Pounders", show up and accompany other anthropomorphs in a siege on the castle. Those accompanying the Ground Pounders realize that the Turtles don't quite ally themselves with their enemies, and let them join. These people are the clients for 5 Ply and they came to liberate the cargo the Turtles had arrived with. The new combatants release the lobster things, the Fly Flowers, to fight off their oppressors' helicopter.

This new faction takes the Turtles to their base, and they meet a human resistance fighter, Rosie Radiator, of the People's Liberation Organization of Nicky Poo (P.L.O.P.). The opposition's fort had been beamed into the area some time ago, and the denizens had begun capturing and grinding up large beasts and transporting the meat out to fast-food restaurants across the universe, including P.L.O.P's allies, the Ground Pounders. To aid in their attack, the Ground Pounders have been equipped with armor, weapons, and cabs.

Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello, and the resistance fighters fly in on giant Fly Flowers, while Raphael rides in a Ground Pounder's cab, attacking the fort. They go to seek out the Transmat so they can return home, but are stopped by a giant caveman calling himself Stump Foot. Stump Foot is much stronger then them, but they manage to knock him over. Unfortunately, this serves only to anger him, and he aims to pry Donatello's plastron off. Don is saved by Raph and the Ground Pounder, the latter of which flings Stump Foot into the distance.

The Turtles make it to the Transmat, but even Don isn't sure how to work it, stating that they'd need one of those "T.C.R.I. globsters" to run it. They are interrupted by Komiceder Voofer and Groat Gladder, who argue over how to get the Turtles away from the controls. Stump Foot also suddenly shows up with a bump on his noggin, and the Turtles just start flipping switches to no avail. In desperation, just before they are shot at and attacked by Stump Foot, they flex 5 Ply's business card again and are zapped by the Transmat.

They end up back at the Time Tower, and 5 Ply says he's been searching for them for 15 minutes (when from the Turtles' perspective, they've been gone for at least two days). He insists they pay up for their "trip" but as they don't have anything he can accept, he banishes them from the Tower and into the tub of a disgusting bathroom.

Back in the past, Rosie notes that they'd never have been victorious if it weren't for the "four green mutants". Just then, a Ground Pounder with a red bandana, , and "I ❤️ Ninja Turtles" license plate stomps by and squashes the rebel member she was talking to.

See also[]

